does porn affect test levels?

Hi guys, we all know that test increases sex drive but what about sex increasing test levels? If I watch porn and get horny 24/7 will that increase my testosterone? This is a serious question though it may sound like a joke.

I believe you might be on to something! It seems as though the more I have sex, or watch porn, the more I want to, or have the desire to keep it rolling!! I guess that this could be due to increased levels of T or possibly the process of restoring semen levels could cause short peaks in T levels due to increased activity of the testes, and other glands. This is possibly all B.S. but it sounds good and would be great if it was true. I will check some of the old biology texts and get back to this post.

You might get arrested before you have the chance to use the extra test. Sexual aggression increases testosterone, just like getting into a fight. The same primal urges for both are responsible. Getting horny 24/7, however, sounds like a better way to get depressed about the fact that you aren’t actually getting any. I don’t know about you, but doing squats with 4 plates on each side might not go well with blue balls.

Forget what I said in the other post. I just realized I already want sex 24/7.

Some of my fraternity brothers told me a story once about a guy they lived with who would religiously masturbate six times a day. His reasoning was that he was tricking his body into thinking he was in a harem, which would cause his body to produce more testosterone. Apparently it worked for him, because he got huge.

Some Eastern religious practitioners believe in exciting themselves to the point of climax but not ejaculating. By doing this over the course of a long period of time, they believe that you could store up YANG energy or life force or whatever, and increase your longevity. Not a bad idea, but I’d rather explode and carpe diem when I’m on the verge. I’d suggest experimenting–at least you’ll have a good time in the process and you’ll at least know your T is working!