Does Anyone Actually Like Kerry?

Wait wait wait – stop the presses. I just found someone who likes the idea of Kerry as president (from yesterday’s Financial Times, a Bristish paper):

North Korea warms to Kerry presidency bid
By Andrew Ward in Seoul and James Harding in Washington
Published: March 4 2004 20:24 | Last Updated: March 4 2004 20:24

North Korea’s state-controlled media are well known for reverential reporting about Kim Jong-il, the country’s dictatorial leader.

But the Dear Leader is not the only one getting deferential treatment from the communist state’s propaganda machine: John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic candidate, is also getting good play in Pyongyang.

In the past few weeks, speeches by the Massachusetts senator have been broadcast on Radio Pyongyang and reported in glowing terms by the Korea Central News Agency (KCNA), the official mouthpiece of Mr Kim’s communist regime.

The apparent enthusiasm for Mr Kerry may reflect little more than a “better the devil you don’t know” mentality among the North Korean apparatchiks. Rather than dealing with President George W. Bush and hawkish officials in his administration, Pyongyang seems to hope victory for the Democratic candidate on November 2 would lead to a softening in US policy towards the country’s nuclear weapons programme.

But both Mr Kerry and Mr Bush are committed to North Korean disarmament. Mr Kerry, however, would renew bilateral negotiations between Washington and Pyongyang, while Mr Bush has sought to manage the conversation with North Korea through multilateral talks. Mr Kerry has also been more forthright about setting out the economic rewards for North Korea if it disarms.

The Bush administration appears in no hurry to tackle the North Korea issue before the election, aware that a US compromise with Pyongyang would represent an embarrassing climbdown, while confrontation would risk a bloody - and electorally disastrous - war.

If North Korea is hoping that a Democratic victory would herald a return to Bill Clinton’s policy of engagement with Pyongyang, then Gordon Flake, head of the Mansfield Centre for Pacific Affairs in Washington, cautions Mr Kim against expecting too much from Mr Kerry. “It would be harder for a Democratic president to do a deal because there would be a lot of pressure on him not to be a soft touch,” he says.

Either way, the North Korean media is a constituency Mr Kerry could do without. Second only to the warm words Mr Kerry has enjoyed from Jane Fonda, the actress and antiwar liberal who is still a bugbear of the American right, a signal of support from the Dear Leader will delight conservative talk-show hosts and Republicans eager to paint Mr Kerry as soft on national security.

A small group of Vietnam veterans has already branded Mr Kerry as “Hanoi John” - a reference to his antiwar activities in 1971 after he returned from serving in Vietnam.

Mr Kerry was first introduced to North Korea’s information-starved people in early February, when Radio Pyongyang reported that opinion polls indicated he was likely to defeat Mr Bush.

A few days later, the station broadcast comments by Mr Kerry criticising Mr Bush for deceiving the world about Iraq’s elusive weapons of mass destruction. Later in February, KCNA welcomed Mr Kerry’s pledge to adopt a more “sincere attitude” towards North Korea if elected.

“Senator Kerry, who is seeking the presidential candidacy of the Democratic Party, sharply criticised President Bush, saying it was an ill-considered act to deny direct dialogue with North Korea,” said the news agency.

Pyongyang’s friendly attitude towards Mr Kerry contrasts with its strong anti-Bush rhetoric.

Seems like he is also the Al-Quieda candidate of choice.

I am sure the terrorists would rather deal with a candidate who favors multi-lateral appeasment when dealing with them over smart bombs!


You make a very legitimate point in that While Bush and Kerry are currently running about even, Kerry has had free reign for the past 6 months!

Bush, as a sitting President could not undertake any sort of defense, while not just Kerry, but Dean, Edwards and an entire host of democrats were on the attack for 6 months.

With all of this occurring Bush remains in a virtual tie in all (credible) nation wide polls. If I were Terry McAuliffe (head of the DNC) I would have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach! The sort of feeling you get when you look in your rear view mirror and see the red lights approaching you, right after you decided to see how fast your new car could go.

Kerry should be ahead by at least 10 percentage points after the onslaught of negativity cast upon Bush from the democratic primary. Not a good omen for the Kerry camp!

What is important to remember is that most voters who feel a bit undecided usually remain with the status quo. Kerry needs to give the voters a reason, either through his sheer charm, or solid evidence, to cast Bush out of office. With unemployment on the decline, and the violence perpetrated against American soilders in Iraq on the wane, (the mainstream press forgot to tell you about that-they only report when it is on the rise) Kerry has a tough job in front of him.

President Bush could be in for a fairly easy ride this fall. Will Kerry have the votes to actually pull this off? I say he loses, and by more than the political pundits are predicting (at this time). Not a runaway, but not a squeaker either. He wins by perhaps the same percentage that his father beat another Massachusetts politician (can you say Dukakis) to first win the Presidency, 6% to 8%. Seems about right.

I’m almost 30 and I have never voted. I think we proved in the last election that the popular vote is meaningless. What’s the point? It will all come down to which special interest groups have the most money to buy the electoral votes.


I wish more uneducated people were like you and didn’t vote.

Boston, we aren’t that small a group.

And, we are in the age bracket that supplies 70% of campaign financing. Eat that John Boy.

you can predict all you want but the truth is you never know what can happen tomorrow… there are so many things that can change those poll numbers over night… like dean, maybe bush will say something he regrets, maybe it will happen to kerry… maybe something will happen half way around the world that will make bush popular again, maybe if something did happen bush will take the blame for not being able to prevent it… you just never know… the most you can do is rate a candidate based on his performance and the likelihood that you’ll be comfortable with his political agenda…

and yes i do agree with the previous poster that electoral votes can be bought (not literally)… money used strategically can go a long way… that’s why new hampshire and iowa primaries are important as they are… look where kerry is now… who woulda thought…

I want to see Edwards as Kerry’s running mate. That will do a lot for gaining my support. I dont like Bush but I like who he has surrounded himself with.

Boston, we are not a small group, especially if you look at the age bracket of where campaign financing comes from.

True Story - Denver Airport!!!

An award should go to the United Airlines gate agent in Denver for being smart and funny, while making her point, when confronted with a passenger who probably deserved to fly as cargo.

A crowded United Airlines flight was canceled. A single agent was re-booking a long line of inconvenienced travelers.

Suddenly an angry John Kerry pushed his way to the desk.  He slapped his ticket on the counter and said "I HAVE to be on this flight and it has to be FIRST CLASS."

The agent replied, "I am sorry, sir.  I'll be happy to try to help you, but, I've got to help these folks first, and I'm sure we'll be able to work something out."

The senator  was unimpressed. He asked loudly, so that the passengers behind him could hear, "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM?"

Without hesitating, the agent smiled and grabbed her public address microphone, "May I have your attention please," she began, her voice heard clearly throughout the terminal.  "We have a passenger here at Gate 14 WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS.  If anyone can help him find his identity, please come to Gate 14."

With the folks behind him in line laughing hysterically, the man glared at the United agent, gritted his teeth and swore "F*** You!".  Without flinching, she smiled and said, "I'm sorry, sir, but you'll have to get in line for that too."


You have a valid point. If only those who have no clue on what the issues are would stay home, it would be a far better country!

xMillertimex, you express two very heterodox opinions. Could you elaborate on them both?

Also, with whom could Kerry surround himself that they would equal those you like around Bush?

Noam Schreiber at the New Republic Online slaps Kerry’s wrists and cuts the President some slack on job creation:

I don’t like him.

Me Solomon Grundy

Imagine a lesbian that doesn?t like bush!

I know its old!

Me Solomon Grundy

i want the last 30 seconds back


Your links were quite enlightening. I’m not sure what the Democrats’ game plan is. Do you think that Kerry is a sacrificial lamb? How deep do you think the support is for this guy? Is this just passing the time until Hillary Clinton runs?

I would be interested in hearing from the posters who are Democrats. Please do not post any more, “Anyone but Bush” comments. That will not win the election. Don’t waste your breath and my time. Do you guys know anything about Kerry? Are any of you involved with his campaign? What do you think the chances are of him actually winning?

Sorry, lots of questions. I am a new poster and would like to get to know the political tendencies of various posters. Thanks.

Jeez, glad to see that nothing ever changes over here!

Hm, a purple heart winner or a coward?

Simple choice here.

Kerry wasn’t my first choice, but I would have taken Bugs Bunny over GWB. He is the worst president in the history of our country… Corrupt to the core!

But arguing in this forum is pointless, and it is one of the reasons I left months ago. None of the self-appointed “good guys” actually discuss anything. They resort to name-calling, and they puff up like a bull on sustanon. Much like the neocons in control of the office right now… It is all fluff, symbolism, flag waving. No substance.


This is not coming from a Republican. I’m an independent. I tend to vote for Democrats, almost all the time. I volunteered for John Edwards campaign.
You did your fair share of name calling in your post. Can I ask you to submit your foreign policy initiatives to replace those of “the neocons” in charge?

Should our country ever go to war in response to WMD development programs? A humanitarian crisis? Should a country that breaks armistice agreements with us be punished militarily? With sanctions? How would you handle NK? The Iraq democritization and exit strategy? Iran’s nuclear program? Connecting Kabul to the rest of Afghanistan and speeding reform? An irrational anti-americanism that makes popular T-shirts in Mexico which say “Viva Osama!”? The OAS human rights commision condeming us for not giving DC senatorial representation? Should we still have troops in Europe, or now that the Cold War is over is it time for the Europeans to defend themselves?

Please, I’d like to hear how your ideas are better than George Bush’s because I have yet to hear ANY significant answers in the Democratic Party, or answers that significantly differ from the Bush administration’s. (Except Bob Graham, who thought that instead of attacking Iraq, we should have went pre-emptively after Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. But if you were against Iraq, why wouldn’t you be against those plans?)

“He is the worst president in the history of our country… Corrupt to the core!”

Besides the charges of “taking us to war unnecessarily” and “offending the world community,” which I assume you believe, could you back up this statement? Sheesh, what about Nixon or Carter or heck even Johnson, remember Vietnam?

jpfitness, I’m asking you to give me more than slogans, more than epithets.

It’s good to have you back.


How dare you ask someone to substantiate their blanket message board rants!