Documentary Films

Can anyone recommend any good documentaries about bullfighting? Or more specifically, the Festival De San Fermin? Does such a film exist?

Fat Head

Basically, it’s a response to Super Size Me, and is well done. At the 30min mark is when it really starts getting into everything. The basic premise shows the ridiculousness of Super Size me, points out how the numbers don’t add up, that people need to eat more fat and protein and less carbs, that cholesterol and saturated fat aren’t EVIL (mwahaha), and that people need to take personal responsibility.

As you can imagine, I’m sure, a lot of people don’t like it.

Dust to Glory

A must see if you’re into desert racing.

[quote]Jack Urboady wrote:
I love a good documentary

Who doesn’t?

Fire in any docs that you feel will enlighten or possibly titillate ones mind.

Be warned this one is rather disturbing[/quote]

My Brother in law was there with the UN and said the place was fooked up big time! He said the locals were animals and this coming from a quite, reserved fella who never has a bad word to say about anybody.

After watching that I totally agree. All sense of normality is gone and replaced with chaos. Canabilising live children for fuck sake! How can ANYBODY even attempt to change a place like that?

That slimy bastard general Butt Naked should be put down for the crimes he committed.

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I found Jewbacca

Champion - Documentary about Danny Trejo

Note by Note: The Making of Steinway L1037 Trailer

Two very good documentaries.

Muscle Worship documentary by Louis Theroux.


I’d really like to see the Secret History of America by Oliver Stone.