Do You Think America Should Do More to Limit Hate Speech?

Yep. Zero-tolerance rules are the equivalent of mandatory minimums, or ‘three strikes and you’re out’ laws–they tie the hands of those in charge.

You’re probably familiar with the case of the third-grader who brought a birthday cake to school to share with her classmates. Her guileless grandmother sent along a knife to cut it. The teacher used the knife to cut the cake…Then turned the student in for bringing it to school. (Yes, the student was suspended.)


Apparently you don’t know what a joke is. Do we not live in the age of facts are mutable and truth is subjective?

Actually, there are some places that offer a sneak peek into the future, and it’s not good.

One of them is incredibly Cuba, where a very interesting scenario is being played out, only in their case tourism takes the role of AI.

In Cuba “real” jobs such as being a doctor or an engineer are paid roughly 30 dollars a month thanks to the unparalleled success that is communism. 30 bucks. Think about it.

On the other hand, massive influx of Western tourists has seen a dramatic societal upheaval - if you’re a Cuban and live in an attractive location, you can rent out a room in your apartment/house through Airbnb for several times your monthly salary and teenagers doing mundane tourist stuff such as tour guides and trinket sellers can bring home ten to twenty times the money their parents bring.

And that’s not taking into account illicit stuff such as drugs and booming prostitution.

So the education system is collapsing and people are leaving or ignoring their normal jobs in droves. Why study to get a degree and work 9 to 5 for 30 dollars when you can make that kind of money in a few hours driving tourists in an old Cadillac?

Interesting and scary at the same time and a portent of things to come.


That was not my observation. I simply meant that in an academic setting asking for a source is not necessarily impolite, it may be expected and sometimes isn’t even necessary because it will be given before one could ask for it. I said nothing about it as a rebuttal and wouldn’t have considered what was posted a rebuttal (which it wasn’t) but simply a question (if I recall there was a question mark). However, you assumed it was some sort of rebuttal and insulted the poster.

But since you obviously have an issue with this, I will say this:
It is much better for someone to ask for a source, under whatever conditions (internet, classroom, salon), vs reacting to someone with an insult because he didn’t take a moment to ask for clarification. In short, I’ll take the skeptic over the reactionary.

One last thing, and I think it’s something you will enjoy, what is it called when someone uses the phrase “so you think” (or, “so what you’re saying is”) when asking a question? I mean, is it a question or a statement disguised as one? I’m sure you can enlighten me.

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It’s not impolite in nearly every setting. People are just old and struggle to understand the following generation’s “quirks.”

Yes. Not to mention personal experience. I am just more productive not put out of work.
Of course, I work on some of the dreaded machines that replace people. So I reckon you will always need people to work on the machines that automate processes. That being said, healthcare is hella inefficient. It’s got a long way to go to get up to speed.
We have some places still using mainframes.
The folks who know how to program them are literally dying off.

Truth is by definition, not subjective. Some facts are mutable, some are immutable.
You literally cannot make a valid argument for subjective truth without violating the law of non-contradiction.

For instance, you cannot be both pregnant and not pregnant at the same time. You cannot arbitrarily decide up is down and down is up. Nor can you go up and down at the same time. Immutable facts. Absolute truth.

Yeah, I have heard the arguments. When AI can run without using electricity, then I will worry.

Damn, communism doesn’t work?

That kind of shit has been going on in Cuba for a long time. The American dollar is king and trading favors is the most common currency.
I am not sure about about Airbnbs. Unless your a member of the communist party, the government will take most of that money. Those type arrangements need to be kept on the downlow.

So when you said machines won’t replace us you just meant they haven’t replaced you?

This reminds me of my last companies servicing software. I was told one of the main selling points was that the DOS based platform was so old most people didn’t know how to get into it.

Definitely left my mouth agape for a second.

Haven’t you seen the matrix?!?!!?

We ARE the electricity!!!

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I am totally not surprised. Living in an age where students who fail every subject still move on to the next grade. Getting busted for a totally innocent mistake is no surprise.
But its a-ok to throw a pair of scissors across the room.

Lol… I turned it off half way through. I hated it.
But yeah, if these AI machines started running on quantum energy fluctuations then I’ll shit my pants, while running.

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I hope you aren’t implying you can turn off the internet. That’s just not how it would happen.

I also have not heard any serious thinkers in the subject mention “meanness” or electricity as a threat. There are many much more plausible ways it would be a problem.

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In a “take over the world” matrix style scenario I totally agree.

In a Wall-E scenario… Ehhhhh

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So we’ve kinda moved past the “UBI” discussion but one point I would at least briefly toss out there is this:

Testing a UBI in the context of our current environment is likely to be very different than what it would look like in hypothetical worlds 50 years from now described above where nobody works and everything is made by machines. So I’m not sure how seriously I would take the current “trials” of UBI.

I also think there’s a simple but elegant counter above that if nobody is working, nobody has money to buy the widgets, so while there will be some thrashing about for sure, I don’t see that “total society meltdown because the machines have replaced all the workers” scenario actually happening. People will have to acquire different skills and work different jobs, yes, and employment may rise for some periods.

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Sorry for the threadjack.

No, I hadn’t heard the story about the third-grader with her birthday cake. Good grief.

I think these zero-tolerance rules, and the three strikes law are a terrible idea. I’ve been upset about the poor kid with the multi-tool in his backpack all week.

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Can you be both male and female, or neither? If I see a man when I see Caitlin Jenner, am I wrong? If someone sees a woman, is he right? Can you be born white, raised in a white family, and still be be black?

What would be the alternative? If you leave it up to a teacher or principal, should there be repercussions if they end up being wrong?

That is true when “source” only requires a link or a simple phrase to Google. It’s not like asking someone to go the library.