DNA Test 23andme / AncestryDNA

From what I’ve read, your Neanderthal composition is on the high end.

Most people of European descent have about 3% Neanderthal DNA (source: random shit I’ve read and some documentary on Netflix … I think it was called Decoding Neanderthal or some shit)

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Ya, that’s interesting. My ancestors musta liked the Neanderthal poon.

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Is that bestiality? Did your test analyse your propensity to fuck apes?

Don’t be a speciest in my thread!

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Some else try this one:


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hey, i know this is an old thread, but wanted to say that i just ordered this. so, in a couple months, i’ll be able to update on how it went, and adjustments i plan on making based off their recommendations…

Cool. I’d love to hear how it goes for you.

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Just reading this thread for the first time.

I just want you to know that as a feminist, I rate all of you on a Neanderthal scale based on your posting history, and I easily pegged usmccds423 as 85th %ile Neanderthal.

Also, at work (where I work with psychiatrists) we do GeneSight testing for improvement-resistant cases, and it’s always very interesting.

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just got my reports today, and have been reading through some of them…

one thing i always suspected, was that i have a C copy from both parents for the ACTN3 gene.

now to figure out what horrible diseases i might have and need to look out for!

Cool, man, I’m glad you got the report. Anything neat other than the ACTN3 gene?

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Whsat do I rate? huh?

I always thought that it was mumbo-jumbo, kinda like the bio-rhythms that we used to get back in the day - cool to know that there may actually be something to it - probably wont make me any more compatible to the female women of the species tho~


I have you down for a 78.

Not sure if I should be insulted that I don’t come off civilized enough for it to be lower, or proud that it’s still pretty significantly high.

Leaning proud, but still have some lingering doubts.

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(French Canadian for ARSACS) Tabernaq!
Shit I don’t think this will apply to myself but from my understanding I am mostly french, Around 2 thirds I would estimate. Irish a bit of swede and spaniard. I was always knew you were an apeman you do like the ravens after all! Allneanderthals# lives matter!

Because of this thread, I did this. Unsurprisingly, I am 60% Native American, and 40% “Northern European, non-specified” (biological dad was Norwegian and apparently some NA).

Prone to alcoholism, which is also not a shock if you know my family.

85% in Neanderthal percentage, which is apparently a thing here.

Surprisingly, I am XYY, which is kind of scary when I read about it, although it explains my height.

I want to do this… I don’t want to be on anymore government lists than I already am.

I don’t want ot be abducted in the middle of the night and turned into Jason Bourne.

You would be turned into Jason Bourne’s accountant, that’s about it hahaha


Crunching numbers like a God damn maniac!



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