Difference Between Protein Powder and BCAA

This may sound stupid to some of you but since BCAA have 4calories per gram and it is all protein I wonder what is the difference between them and a protein powder. Aren’t they both protein supplements?

Thank you

BCAAs only contain isoleucine, leucine and valine.

Protein powder contains all BCAAs and, additionally, essential amino acids.

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What is the point of using bcaa s then if you have access to protein

Exactly, there really isn’t one.

Eat whole food sources of protein, and if needed, supplement with a protein powder. However, most young men can get enough protein through diet alone.


Ive never understood the reasoning behind BCAAs.

Why do you want some of the aminos, when you can have them all?

Just take a damned protein shake with you if you’re that worried, or better, plazma or Mag10.

I came to the same conclusion this is why I posted here
I’m sure some people must have found a reason to use them
Would love to hear about it


Absorption rate. Dieting.

Not understanding it does not make it wrong.

Nobody said it was wrong but…

If someone needs to take BCAAs to diet or for absorption rate outside of POSSIBLY competitive BBers, they’re doing it wrong and I’ll stand by that.

Just curious, what is your supplement count. As in how many products. Just a #, don’t want to know what.

So bcaa s are quickly digested incomplete protein?

There is not any supportive literature showing that BCAAs have any significant result. The supplement has been around a long time, and by the now, if they worked there would be something out there to support the claims.

2 If you count Karbolyn as one.

Not saying you have to, btw. It is a supplement after all.

In a basic nut shell, yes. But you are over simplifying it and missing a few key items.

Google is your friend to know more.

There are not many science supported supplements out there, period.

The majority is from obese people, elderly, trauma victims or rats.

How many science specific related articles done on athletes for Plazma out there? All I know is it works for me. Same with BCAA’s.

It’s not a secret! We can talk to our bros about supplements!

BCAAs get absorbed into the bloodstream for use in your muscles, rapidly.

Protein contains the BCAAs and the rest of the good stuff. But the BCAAs are “bound up” into the structure of the protein. If you have some “complete protein” Your body needs to break the BCAAs loose (partially digest the complete protein) to make them available.

If you use just the BCAAs you get to skip a step, and fuel the muscles right away.

With BCAA we also know that Leucine, the aa that induces hypertrophy, is plentiful and does not have to compete with other aa within the body.
I have used it in the past for cutting.

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FlatsFarmerMar 8
It’s not a secret! We can talk to our bros about supplements!

BCAAs get absorbed into the bloodstream for use in your muscles, rapidly.

Protein contains the BCAAs and the rest of the good stuff. But the BCAAs are “bound up” into the structure of the protein. If you have some “complete protein” Your body needs to break the BCAAs loose (partially digest the complete protein) to make them available.

If you use just the BCAAs you get to skip a step, and fuel the muscles right away.


This. Hence they are usually taken post-workout

I found bcaa’s gave me a boost in energy and used to supplement them with a gallon of water whilst doing cardio for that extra kick and enthusiasm.

Protein powder is normally to up your protein content with a balanced diet. I have used protein powders in the past where it has BCAA blended with the protein powder but noticeable on the packaging it is normally one scoop per day, where as complete protein powders I could use as many as I felt needed to make up protein content.

Never noticed any change when using protein with bcaa, but bcaa alone with water I felt a difference within a few days.