Did We Lose a Member in Afghanistan?

Anyway, really hope that sj is alive and well.

[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
Edit: Weren’t there other guys on board (of the chinook) as well though, no just SEALs?

“The dead include: five Army crew members, 19 U.S. Navy SEALs and their three support troops, an Afghan interpreter and seven Afghan commandos plus three Air Force controllers and one military working dog.”

Those men were likely ready and willing to die in a heartbeat but damn it they shouldn’t have died that way.

I wonder how many Afghani and Iraqi forum posters wonder where their friends disappear to every week.

Fuck the troops. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Well, I saw the picture I thought was sj on CNN again earlier tonight and I quickly found his avatar photo. It looks VERY similar in many ways, but I don’t think it was him. Fuck, I hope he doesn’t see this thread and flip out that I might have put a scare into everybody. I just hope he and everyone else over there makes it home alive.

I didn’t realize until earlier this afternoon that it was part of SEAL team 6 that was killed. They’re the same guys who got that piece of shit bin Laden. Who the FUCK released this info? It just gives some sort of moral victory to the Taliban to know that they just killed some of the members of the same team who killed their ass-pirate hero. Whoever released the info to the press should get fired and dragged down Pennsylvania Avenue from a fucking Chinook for giving the enemy comfort like that.

[quote]twiceborn wrote:
I wonder how many Afghani and Iraqi forum posters wonder where their friends disappear to every week.

Fuck the troops. Live by the sword, die by the sword.


Get the fuck out of here you goddamned scumbag. You’re nothing more than the digested piece of corn sitting in a pile of my shit in my toilet right now. EVERYBODY who reads your fucking post should now put you on permanent ignore. Hear that guys? PERMANENT ignore.

[quote]pushharder wrote:

[quote]DBCooper wrote:

…I didn’t realize until earlier this afternoon that it was part of SEAL team 6 that was killed. They’re the same guys who got that piece of shit bin Laden. Who the FUCK released this info?..


The guy you’re looking for goes by the name of Joe Biden.




Jesus Christ. You’re in Montana? I’ll pick you up on my way to D.C. Be armed and ready to roll when I get there. Don’t bother bringing a change of clothes. We won’t be there long.

[quote]twiceborn wrote:
I wonder how many Afghani and Iraqi forum posters wonder where their friends disappear to every week.

Fuck the troops. Live by the sword, die by the sword.


Nice attempt at being an iconoclast college boy.

[quote]DBCooper wrote:

[quote]pushharder wrote:

[quote]DBCooper wrote:

…I didn’t realize until earlier this afternoon that it was part of SEAL team 6 that was killed. They’re the same guys who got that piece of shit bin Laden. Who the FUCK released this info?..


The guy you’re looking for goes by the name of Joe Biden.




Jesus Christ. You’re in Montana? I’ll pick you up on my way to D.C. Be armed and ready to roll when I get there. Don’t bother bringing a change of clothes. We won’t be there long.[/quote]

I will go with you guys. I probably can’t do much, but I will serve as a distraction at least. Fuck you, Biden.

[quote]twiceborn wrote:
I wonder how many Afghani and Iraqi forum posters wonder where their friends disappear to every week.

Fuck the troops. Live by the sword, die by the sword.


You airbrushed your abs in your avatar…shut the fuck up.

last I recall sjoconn was in the Phillipines, that was awhile ago though… I believe he’s SF though, not Seals.

Wow. PERMANENT ignore you say? Is that how you deal with all contrary opinions? And they say Americans are bloodthirsty fools who only react with emotion…

The thought of a college education makes you sweat, eh Nards? Explains a lot.

Did I now? And here I thought the clen was working. Clearly I should just shut up and let all the heavy thinking be done by the guy with the nipple ring and Myspace profile pic. Be sure to make the duckface next time you deadlift that massive 520, it’ll make you look more swole.

Everyone blames “the government” and elected officials for ceaseless war, yet no one wants to point the finger at the real issue, the endless stream of ignorant breeders coming out of high school with an itchy trigger finger.

No one wants to take personal responsibility for the problem, yet there hasn’t been a draft in 40 years. Hypocrites.

Thanks everyone for your concern. I am alive and well. Just been staying pretty damn busy.

[quote]DBCooper wrote:

the biggest problem is that there are still young Americans dying for who knows what anymore


Could it be to defeat the Taliban/AQ and prevent them from plotting attacks against us like 911? Could that be what for?

[quote]sjoconn wrote:
Thanks everyone for your concern. I am alive and well. Just been staying pretty damn busy.[/quote]


Clearly Joe Biden is responsible for this.
It’s not like the Taliban ain’t attacking every helicopter they can get a decent shot at. It’s not like everybody knew it was Seal Team 6 all along. The Taliban of course know exactly who is in every aircraft and were not just taking a wild stab.

War is war. Ain’t no blabbing politician gonna change that one bit.
The Afghans have chased out everyone who has ever invaded their country. Time to get out.

And I went to university, so when you assume you make an ass of yourself, twiceborn