DHEA versus 1-Testosterone Supplement

If DHEA converts to testosterone in the body, then what’s the difference in taking a 1-testosterone supplement which is considered a prohormone which supposedly translates into someone not being natural but enhanced?? Why would someone call that “cheating” when the body produces it naturally?? If I’m lacking or deficient in a certain vitamin and I take a supplement to restore that deficiency which is natural to the body, am I not still natural. School me…Thanks

Thats the kind of stuff you have to work out with yourself.

On TRT my Total Test is 4x what it was when natural. My Free Test is 5x what it was when natural.

Both are within ‘normal’ ranges. Does that make it fair if i were to compete? Not a fucking chance.

Testosterone is produced by the body, I just take more of it - so it’s fine, right?