Design a Program for a Beginner

Thank you everyone for your advice and criticism. I’d like to add I have a 6’5" wingspan, a disadvantage to most of my pressing. Check my profile, I have decent body weight to strength ratios. I’m not strongest athlete to any extent, but I pour a lot of my focus into the integrity of my body. I have excellent posture and I focus on form a lot more than max attempts.

I’ve been the type of kid that prioritizes the essential over the nonsense. I understood at the beginning of my strength training career that excellent athletes had excellent posture. I also noticed that the strongest men in the world squat and deadlift. I wanted to have solid foundation to build upon; I did not want to have to back track and develop and reconstruct my body.

That being said I have the tendency to emphasize specific lifts for three to four weeks and rotate the exercises. Last cycle, I trained box squatting three to four times per week for three weeks. I usually begin to experience overtraining or mental burnout within this time and switch exercises. I am now utilizing the front squat. I’ve front squatted five different sessions within the last eight days.

Alternating heavy and light days. I attempt to add weight to each session, light and heavy. I’m impatient to an extent and if I desire to improve at something, I usually attack it wholeheartedly. I also like to add, I don’t take offense to anything, I enjoy criticism. I always ask my friends for criticism; I tell my friends to hold nothing back, because you cannot hurt my confidence.

I’ve poured too much time into my athletic abilities to allow criticism to affect me negatively. I do take offense if someone insults my intelligence. The reason is, I’ve had not one person mentor me, not one person throughout my basketball and strength career. I have developed my self. I have one year experience. I have achieved little, but I have earned every single achievement I have.

You can be a “online bragger,” or accuse me of such, but people that know who I am, respect me. On top of that, I respect everyone’s opinion, but I am not on here to argue with boys. I might be only 20 years old; however, I only travel and conjugate with the lions, I’m not a sheep. I’m not typing this to sound “hard” or whatever. I want this forum to understand who I am as a man. I love this site, I’ve read hundreds of articles. I’m not perfect. I like listening and learning how other athletes train. Once again, thank you.