Dems: Did They Learn ANYTHING?

Got it, Zeb…for the 1,786,945th time.

I’ll just tune into Hannity every night if I want to get my news about the Trump Presidency.

Look at their leadership. Pelosi, Feinstein, Reid (now leaving), Biden, Schumer…they are all dinosaurs. Democrats need a full colon cleansing if they want to get back in the game. One giant flush, and then they need to go to the areas where they lost big, mainly the rust belt. Listen to the people and their concerns, look at the expressions when they speak, see the emotion they convey.


Who will even run in 2020 for the Democrats?

BERNIE Sanders will be 79. He’ll either be dead or too senile by then


I mean he will need something new to keep the brand fresh, eh?


There are some younger “leaders” Max…but they are singing the same old tired tunes, that on the surface, seem more “progressive”.

(Personally, it all just sounds like “Pelosi-Lite”…).

The DEMS direction is VERY unclear…

I think it helps, judging by my coastal friends on facebook, that they seem to have an utter disdain for the plebs who inhabit the middle of the country. They’ve essentially doubled down on their condescending rhetoric.


But that is my major point. They have won the coasts, at this point it is utterly self-defeating to throw more at them. Under what plausible circumstance is Cali or NY likely to turn Red?

So by focusing on the coastal leftists, they are all but ensuring a rust belt-departure. Much as I hate Trump, this could be the new “Northern strategy” that the GOP have been lacking. What remains of their ideology with this new opportunity is anyone’s guess. It would be a crying shame if all that is left is spendaholic parties.

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@idaho already gave a perfectly plausible account of how they could go forward, and I think some of the purple Dems get it. But Christ if that path isn’t falling on deaf ears.

by THEN?[quote=“polo77j, post:166, topic:224180”]
I think it helps, judging by my coastal friends on facebook, that they seem to have an utter disdain for the plebs who inhabit the middle of the country. They’ve essentially doubled down on their condescending rhetoric.

So true… Just so true. MA, CA and Oregon seem to harbor the worst of the worst.

Get the tissues ready. An actual party that isn’t on the road to further the bloated welfare state is far and away not going to win anytime soon. Not with the current “Government is the new Jesus” attitude people have.

Right after praying to “science” they pray to the all mighty Government.

Until they drop gun grabbing… It’s going to a long, rough road ahead.

This is the part that scares the shit outta me - no one got love for individual liberty, personal responsibility and community anymore - it’s all “let the government handle it”


It seems to me that you actually need to hear it that many times since up to the election you were in complete denial.

You would do better to tune into a less bias source if you really want to hear the news. Hannity as you probably know is a conservative commentator.


You mean he’s not senile now? He actually believes that tripe?

You said it. It literally, actually scares me. And you know what it is–“let the government handle it” is a closeted euphemism for “I don’t want to take responsibility for my life. These problems are too big/burdensome/boring to think about.” That is a fundamentally powerless worldview. You’re actually telling yourself and the world around you that you are powerless and helpless and don’t want to be bothered to lead your life.


Um… that’s what I meant…

I heard she put-out… A lot. But that’s just hearsay.:smile:

Way to early to tell. Who saw trump coming in 2012?
Never underestimate your enemies. That’s what the dems did, that’s what the republicans did in 2008. No time to get smug. Arrogance is the enemy of victory.
It’s time to get to work and actually make shit better. There is no better way to defeat Progressivism than success in Conservatism.
We (conservatives) won this time. Time to deliver.

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VERY true, Pat.

Like I said earlier…everything is in place.

At this point, there are no excuses…whether if be the “MSLM”; Trump’s apparent paranoia and Twitter obsession; or disenchanted Snowflakes.


Now I have to scrub out my mind with a wire brush.

:middle_finger: :smirk:


Hey, back in the day she was a number… Now you’d have to lube it with 30 weight.