Dems: Did They Learn ANYTHING?

They Young Jerk is wrong about people agreeing with the democrats on most every issue. In fact, it is the exact opposite.

The Three Biggest Issues:

  1. Safe Borders

  2. Job Growth

  3. Abortion

All of the above three the voters agree with the republicans.

That’s because you no doubt are someone who has a job and works hard at it and would rather keep more of his money than give it to an ineffective Federal Government to redistribute to those who did not earn it and do not deserve it.

Bernie was not talking to people like us.

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And not just over the past several decades…it has never worked in the history of the world!

And this is what you get with 8 years of the most left wing President in the history of our country. Does anyone on this site honestly think that any of these things (including Black Lives Matter) would exist or even be talked about if say Newt Gingrich, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio or any other conservative were President over the past 8 years?

I am praying that Trump will steer us back toward the middle right where we belong. So far it’s looking good.

I would love to win back even one third of our Universities and of course break the Teachers Union.

That is a great observation. Very possible that the republicans could actually pick up seats during the mid-term elections. That would certainly be a kick in the ass to the democrats. Of course it will depend on whether or not Trump can actually get this economy moving and at least begin to keep his other promises.

Look at this nimrod, a self-proclaimed socialist councilwoman suggesting shutting down Trump’s inauguration.

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She is a total moron. The voters of Seattle are not very bright. Straight out of college, working 12 hrs a day for Amazon or Microsoft. They are all just like each other. They never enter the real world

Kshama sawant…uh huh

Yep, they fail to realize their “message” is part of the problem and part of what we fear…
Close your eyes for a moment and think of a Bernie presidential victory and a domcratic sweep instead of a republican sweep in the nation? Imagine the insanity of that scenario?

I recommend she spends all of her energy on this. I would sooo egg her on.
If she’s wasting her time on this stupidity, she’s not doing anything important that can actually hurt people.

Back to the DEMS in Congress for a second.

My prediction is that the DEMS will be like that fly in your room you can’t seem to get rid of. While they will certainly be an aggravation to the Trump Administration…I just don’t see them as being a very strong oppositional force.

My prediction is that the only one who will stop Trump will be Trump…and his only “enemy” will be himself.

Only enemy? No. Worst enemy? Possibly. As long as there is a CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, NY Times and the others he will have plenty of enemies to deal with.

It is bizarre. For the sake of coastal progressive values, they are willing to be utterly tone-deaf to every middle American concern. I understand Cali and NY are important, but they are hardly likely to abandon ship for the Republicans under any foreseeable circumstance.

How much red-meat do the Dem’s need to throw the coastal snow-flakes before they focus on anything else?

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He really is showing some “Nixon-ish” tendencies in terms of lashing out; defining “enemies” and the like.

Deny and deflect those things if you like, Zeb…

Again…his “worst” enemy will ultimately be himself.

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Good question, Legalsteel.

I really think that it will take an almost Generational “Shift” before (or even if) the Parties are viewed any differently.

If anything; the DEMS are becoming more “Snow-Flake-ish”.

In terms of the GOP…“who” they truly are is still an open question. The election of Trump FAR from settled that issue.

[quote=“Mufasa, post:156, topic:224180”]
He really is showing some “Nixon-ish” tendencies in terms of lashing out; defining “enemies” and the like.[/quote]

It’s not “Nixon-ish” if he really has enemies. Just like you are not paranoid if they are really out to get you. If noting else this election proved without a doubt that the MSLM was indeed out to get Trump. There is no disputing that. It was darn near open war fair. As in they didn’t care who knew about it they were going forward.

Deny? Reread my brief post. I said he is “possibly his worst enemy.” I don’t think that is deflecting. As in life we are all our own worst enemies and our own best friends. It all depends on how we perceive ourselves and then what we do about it.

If Trump has a good four years the dems become a coastal party.



With a good four years by Trump; the DEMS become more marginalized.

They need a SERIOUS reset…and as it stands, they don’t appear to be heading anywhere in the direction of a reset.