Debate Between Me and a Friend

You know the things motorcyclists and cowboys wear? Yeah.

Is it pronounced CH-aps or SH-aps?

Buttless chaps.

Chaps… (at least on the East coast)

I knew it! We live in AZ…he keeps saying “SH-aps!”
It’s so stupid…but I really needed some backup, I thought I was losing my fuckin’ mind.
Now excuse me…

puts on assless SH-aps

[quote]BodyByGame20 wrote:
You know the things motorcyclists and cowboys wear? Yeah.

Is it pronounced CH-aps or SH-aps?[/quote]

Merriam-Webster online dictionary says it’s SH-aps.

e.g. Those chaps (CH) are wearing buttless chaps (SH).

Tell him gay people call them shaps.

I think I WILL tell him only gheys call them shaps.

[quote]meangenes wrote:
Tell him gay people call them shaps.[/quote]

Yeah, them or the French…same thing I guess?

The guy who owns the leather store locally here who does like 1000 commercials a month on radio and cable calls them CHaps. Thats as close to an expert opinion as I can get.


Vegita, you just closed the case!


I live in Montana, land of cowboys, and we call them CHaps.

Thank you, Thank you all…I knew I was right.

Shit we all should have said sHaps…

You should’ve, but ya didn’t!