Deadlifts, lower back.

It seems most people are saying deadlifts are not for your lower back.

Is this true?

I feel strain in my lower back when doign them, not my legs.

Maybe certain one are for certain parts?

Stiff legged

Also, tell me about Trap bar deadlifts?

I do these at the gym. today I am goign to a rather large gym supply store, and goign to be urchasing olypmic wieghts for my home too. Shoudl i start deadlifting with the normal bar, or buy a trap bar?

What can I do to work the lower back, without a hyper machine?

And how do i make sure i do good mronigns right, they look easy to mess up on

Issue eight-T-Mag - Dave Tate did top ten Deadlifting mistakes. Get a hold of a copy, excellent read.

Dead lifts will certainly hit your lower back, but most people agree that the prime movers for dead lifts are your legs with your lower back move of a stabilizer. Search the site for Ian King?s dead lift form or if you are a power lifter Dave Tate?s. Also check out snatch grip dead lift the article is written by poliquin

The trap bar dead lifts is just another on of the many variations of dead lifts. A trap bar isn?t needed for a home gym, but if you have the money by all means go right ahead, but I would start on the bar for now.

You don?t need the dedicated machine, you can find I high box that allows you to hang your feet, and if need be a Swiss ball.

Remember to drive your ass back on GM, start light and work your way up.

Huge is right. The lower back acts as a stabilizer during the deadlift. This is true assuming that you are keeping your back flat or arched during the movement. Specifically, the erector spinae and quadratus lumborum stabilize your spine, while your hamstrings and glutes extend your hips. This doesn’t mean that you will not “feel” it alot in your lower back. It’s getting a ton of work just acting as a stabilizer. Actually you can say the same thing about the muscles of the upper back as long as your form is good.

I’ve been hearing this a lot lately. Dead lifts are compound movements. Your lower back will be part of the movement, as well as your abs, shoulders, arms, traps, etc. This is why they are called compound movements. Also, being that the deadlift is a compound movement between the upper and lower body (not just one or the other) you will absolutely use your core stabilizers. Low shoulder width squats will also get your lower back and your hamstrings. Hell even lower back extensions will get your hamstrings. This the posterior chain being brought into the movement. As long as your form is correct, having all these groups bare some amount of the weight is ideal since no one single group takes all the weight. But, if you feel one part of the chain is weak than either your form is off or you found the weak link in your particular chain. I’d say that if your lower back feels a lot weaker after a few sets than you need to do some more isolation work on it until it is brought up to speed. But, like I said before, if your form is off and you are lifting entirely with your lower back than you need some help with that.

No. The point is is i want the lower back TO be wroked, mrope then anythign else. Up until now i have been using trap bar deadlifts as my only lower back workout.

Tiree, then just make sure to really contract your lower back hard (i.e. extension) when you’re fully erect…with the deadlifts, dude, not anything else:-) I wouldn’t suggest hyperextension, just hard extension to hit the lower back.

On a side note, I’ve recently been working with DB Deadlifts and they’re great. I really tore up my traps like crazy and I love it.

The primary movers are the glutes and hams, not the lower back which should be under a very strong isometric contraction like dcb said. Your lower back will get strong as hell by doing deads, as will your abs and all the trunk stabilizing muscles. My favorites are sumo deads, which I feel a lot more on my legs.