Deadlift With DB?

I posted before that I am having difficulties performing a deadlift with the regular bb because i am 6’5 and my legs are very long. I tried the sumo dl but this one doesn’t seem to work that good either.

How about performing a dl with one db in each hand? is that ok or am i missing certain benefits of the regular dl when doing it this way?

Nothing is wrong, but it will be hard to up the weight.

Why not try rack pulls or RDLs and work on flexibility in the meantime?

[quote]michael2507 wrote:
Why not try rack pulls or RDLs and work on flexibility in the meantime?[/quote]

What he said

UM dead lifts are hard. Keep working and just make progress bro 1 lb one rep at a time. Its the HARD thing, things we suck at we should do the most Biggest pay back


I am 6’4" and I had similar problems starting out. I would try for a few weeks, get frustrated and stop, then go back. What I discovered was that I only got better at deadlifting when I was trying to deadlift (big surprise!)

You are probably really weak off the floor, because it’s hard for you to get into position. USE LIGHT WEIGHT for full DLs. Don’t try to up the weight too fast.

You are probably quite a bit stronger at the top half of the movement. Try RDLs: some days with the bar and some with DBs. Just go as low as you can while keeping your lower back flat. Over time, you’ll be able to go deeper.

Single leg DB DLs are good, too. Start from the top, and just go as low as you can without rounding your low back.

I also think bulgarians, with an emphasis on going as deep as you can (try to touch your back knee to the ground) would be a good thing to try.

I’m 6’6" and I deadlift. (traditional, SL, DB from time to time, high rep low rep, sumo).

Instead of figuring out what you can do to avoid deadlifting (awesome exercise), why not figure out why you are having trouble deadlifting, and fix the problem?

Is it a flexibility issue, is it a strength issue, balance, etc. Figure out the problem and fix that, don’t try to avoid the exercise.

Start with the bar if you have to, leave the ego at the door.

use a trap bar. it will allow you to move a lot of weight so you’ll grow.

… unless you want to get good at the deadlift for competition or something of that nature.

ITs also apples and oranges and works a total different group of muscles at least in a totally different way its much more like squatting Much less low back, hams and glutes

good move sure but no substitute for a DL


[quote]UB07 wrote:
use a trap bar. it will allow you to move a lot of weight so you’ll grow.

… unless you want to get good at the deadlift for competition or something of that nature. [/quote]