Deadlift More by Not Deadlifting?

For some reason I remembered there being 10x3x90%, but instead it’s 5x5x90 and 4x3/4x3x95% which is even worse. 90% is a max effort triple for me.

Would not be surprised if typo … but then again the whole program has built up to that point, volume/work capacity & intensity so likely that true 1RM increases during the program. The 5x5 is at 90% of your previous/original/starting 1RM going in so is actually a lower % of tru 1RM by the time you get to it nomsayin?

Where did you get that from anything I wrote?

Do you mind if I ask how old you are? Are you being trained by these world championship coaches? And do you not notice the contrast of opinion on methodology out there? Anyways, I’m done with wasting time on this conversation. I’m off to read more articles, so I can tell people with actual experience that they are wrong and know jack shit.

Because you said:

So how come I can’t quote Louie Simmons? They did close to no deadlifting at Westside for a while and it didn’t work, now they do speed pulls every week and ME deadlifts on a regular basis.



Yes, there are different ways to train but at the moment everyone who has an impressive deadlift still trains the deadlift and there are no coaches that I am aware of advocating otherwise. Bill Starr preferred power cleans and such, but he’s dead. Even Rippetoe, who got a lot of his methods from Starr, still has people deadlift although he includes power cleans in some programs.

There has been talk of mat/block/rack pulls in this thread but has anyone tried limited ROM from the floor (to the knees for example)?

I knew someone that used that with success but would love to hear more war stories (success or failure).

Have actually heard “Deadlift to the Knees” brought up quite a bit in the context of Sheiko programs. On paper/in principle it seems solid enough especially for conventional DL and it’s hard to argue against Sheiko tho personal experience wise can’t say: Unfortunately I can’t help but think of Samson Fletcher whenever it’s mentioned so I aint going anywhere near it.

I haven’t tried that, but I know that Sheiko uses deadlifts to the knees.

Fine, then how many times would you squat per week?

Depends on the training cycle.