Deadlift Form Feedback Appreciated

I mean, there is a romanian, and a standard deadlift.

“Knees and hips “back,” about to drive the heels and pull the bar, straight up.”

Yes, OP’s knees are back, hips back, heels down, neutral spine, obvious glute hip drive for lockout… what are you criticizing exactly?

It’s touching his shins. How much closer can he get…

Shins more vertical, shoulder blades over the bar, hips higher.

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I’m not criticising anything.

Original Poster said;
-I push my knees forward
-he has never considered the verticle shin
-I’m not using my hamstrings properly
-it hurts my back

His words! He said it was wrong. I believe him! I’m agreeing with him and trying to point out what’s going on.

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He’s, already, doing, all of that.

You said his shins are too far from the bar, I asked how much closer can they get

'To me, it looks a little off. You are doing like a back raise/back extension to get yourself into position to squat the weight up.

It looks like you are using 0% hamstrings’

That’s what you wrote, and can’t seem to elaborate on. But also clearly shows you aren’t quite sure what a dead lift is.

Also, your shins are not gonna be vertical on liftoff.
You’ll fall on your ass.

His back doesn’t hurt, it’s sore, which he emphasises.

OP your back is sore because you’re a new lifter. Every new lifter gets a sore lower back, or a pump when they start off. This will subside when you/your body becomes stronger and muscles begin to fire correctly.

Foreal guy, I get it you’re trying to feel helpful, but let’s be frank. You don’t barbell squat. You’re still learning how to do a sldl, and you have a couple of injuries.

When he sets up they do, but as he pulls, the bar gets out in front a bit. Also, a more vertical shin angle will allow for a straighter bar path and for the bar to remain over the middle of his foot/in line with his center of gravity.

I don’t get why you are not understanding what I wrote. Why would I tell him to bring the bar closer to his shins while in the position where it is already in contact with them?

Jarvan, you’re right. I “squat” and “deadlift” on machines Because of the injuries.

I didn’t just start this stuff last week, I promise you.

Lean forward at the waist, then push your knees forward. Tell me how you use any hamstring from a sissy squat position.

Skylar and I got on the same page awhile ago. For the last 3 days, I’ve been trying to teach YOU to Deadlift! If YOU pay attention, YOU will have better results!


OP isn’t in a sissy squat position…
I see we can’t have a coherent conversation.
The last thing I want is for someone who gets injured to teach me how to squat or DL, which is why I questioned why you’re giving advice to this kid anyway.

But if he heeds your advice, no problem stepping aside.

My question exactly.
Why are you telling the OP that his shins are too far from the bar if they are so close that it’s already touching?

@OP The bar is too far away from your shins.”

WTF does that mean?

In the video, it’s clear that the bar is not over mid foot - it’s out over the front of the foot. If you call that touching his shins, well, I’m nonplussed.

Did I not follow up with:

Isn’t it obvious that I meant the bar is too far away when he is standing up before he starts the lift?

If no one else is confused by this, I don’t see why you are still harping on it.


@00:50 you can see that his shins are so close to the bar that he actually hits it with his shins.

his shoulder blades ARE over the bar. how is this not clear as day?
if his shins were ANY more vertical in the starting position, he’d fall backwards
his hips are just fine

Hey, you too guy

watch it again at 00:50

the bar is exactly over his mid foot

and chill out there buddy, no need to get rustled

Then, he lowers his hips, arches his back more, and pushes his knees forward!
Hes in a worse position by 52 sec, WHEN HE STARTS LIFTING THE BAR!

lol oh boy

I don’t know. Maybe we’re watching different videos.

I’ll slowly show myself out.

I’m interested to hear your suggestions? If you’re still down. I’m still experimenting so the more suggestions the better. Everyone’s different after all.