Deadlift Form Check

Hi, this the video of my 3rd DL attempt (180kg) could you please give some feedback?, what I think is that I’m extending too soon my hips, if so what kind of excercices should I do to fix that?


[quote]exal wrote:
Hi, this the video of my 3rd DL attempt (180kg) could you please give some feedback?, what I think is that I’m extending too soon my hips, if so what kind of excercices should I do to fix that?


This is obviously a max pull making it more difficult to judge technique but a couple of things jump out at me. Watch and re-watch the video looking for the points below…

A) your not tight enough on the bar at the beginning of your pull. Your whole body should be pulling and tightening against the bar before you start the pull.

B)You need to “PULL” the weight into your body with your hips…right now your hips aren’t firing forward so your butt shoots out and up. look at your bar path…the bar starts against your shins and then the second you start the lift the bar gets away from you. That’s the kiss of death…your ass is in the air and the bar is not riding your body up in a straight line…you are now exclusively using your lower back to hinge the weight up.

C) By the time you survive getting this past to your knees your upper back still isn’t locked because your entire body wasn’t working fluidly through the whole movement. This is why your hitching the weight, your back was on it’s own and had enough.

Tom Eisman is a friend and the most perfect sumo puller I’ve ever seen. Watch this video in regards to the points I’ve called out above. In particular, how the hips drive forward and back locks all at the same time.

Once you master driving your hips in and body back your numbers will go up. Build up your technique using 60-80% of your max till it becomes second nature and treat light pulls like they’re heavy…and heavy pulls like they’re light.

Good luck, you have the strength…master the movement.

[quote]HARA wrote:

This is obviously a max pull making it more difficult to judge technique but a couple of things jump out at me. Watch and re-watch the video looking for the points below…[/quote]

wow thanks, I really appreciate your comments