Deadlift Everyday?

Where did I ask you to defend anything?

Ya, but you were deadlifting 135 for 5, though. I mean, some of the guys here are pulling 500+ pounds for their working sets. It’s a bit different, man.

Got my thread’s confused there sorry!

Well it still worked well for me when I Was pulling over 270 for 12+, which would translate to a 1rm considerably higher than that.

I know it may be a bit different, the point is just to get people to think outside of the box and not be limited by “you need 4 days of rest post DL”, or “2x a week max”.

Maybe 2x a week is all some people can manage, but I know some people that could recover from more and progress faster aren’t doing so because they are stuck in a certain way of thinking!

I think the majority of people have a 1rm similar to where mine is now, atleast most people who actually look for advice on forums, so I think it is somewhat relevant.

I’m not trying to bust your balls. I am not a particularly strong person, but 270x12 is still pretty light for a 200-pound man.

Many of the strongest deadlifters have talked about how long it takes them to recover from a max effort deadlift session and it isn’t a day or two. It’s usually a week to 15 days (maybe more).

This sentence I think basically encapsulates why a few people seem to be giving you a hard time on this forum. You claim to be a bodybuilder (I’ll take your word for it), but are in the powerlifting sub-forum talking about deadlifting every other day something very few high-level deadlifters do while not having a strong deadlift yourself. Do you see how that can piss a person off? It would be like Jared from Subway (jail…) telling Stu how to cut for a contest…

You also don’t seem to want to even consider what stronger people are telling you who are actually competitive powerlifters or strongmen, which can be irritating.

You also think your advice holds because “people have a 1rm similar to where mine is now…” Have you ever asked someone that’s literally at the same level as you for advice or do you ask someone that’s beyond your level? It’s like the blind leading the blind.


Fair enough! I apologize if I offended anyone!!

I assumed there would be a lot of newer people posting here, and I just wanted to point out that having limited thinking can hurt you in the long run, and that experimenting with higher than normal OR lower than normal volume can have great results!

I think people are taking what i’m saying wrong, all I mean to do is stimulate some different kinds of ideas, and break some of the myths that exist in fitness.

The advice I was giving was by no means aimed at people with a 600lb deadlift! I just know that for me my deadlift wasn’t going up much when I DL’ed 1x a week, and when I greatly upped frequency my 1rm over doubled in a short time period!

I’m sorry if I offended anyone, and thank you for taking the time to explain it to me like that! I really appreciate you trying to help me understand why I am getting the responses I am instead of just insulting me!

I will try and put my opinions across more humbly in the future, and be mindfull of those who have more experience than me! I did not and never will intend to offence anyone, or to put across the impression that I know more than those who 2x my lifts!

Seriously that post was very much appreciated. Thank you for that, I wish more people were like this! If I would have understood how and why I was offending people earlier on I Would have made a greater effort not to.

I think I have a hard time imagining how others will interpret what I say, and I assume they will fully understand exactly HOW I intended a post to sound and the tone of voice I used in my head when typing.

I think this is why I get into arguments online but never in person.

You’ve really opened my eyes to how my own behavior comes off to people :slight_smile:

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I’m not wrong. you misunderstood me. I’m not saying you said you were gonna stop doing something regarding you’re eating. You said you were gonna stop reviving every fucking old thread, and then you went and did it again right after that! That’s what I was talking about. I realize I was unclear. But for fucks sake, stop bringing up old threads.

Okay, yeah my apologies I think I’ve learned my lesson with the thread thing!

I deadlift every training session, almost everyday.
Because i love it!

I was sorta hoping when I started reading this 4 year old bump, it would be an update from the OP who has been deadlifting everyday since October 2013.


LMAO fuck yes!

He would either be a cripple, struggling with the bar, or an absolute monster.

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