
Cupcake: Nope, no Dr. Phil here. I’ve seenheard him all of once and after I learned that Oprah endorsed him - I boycotted him. So if he and I have similar ideas, it’s pure coincidence.

Chrismcl: :wink: MILF… I’ve been called that once or twice (once by a schoolmate of my son’s - he was promptly punched, and yes I approved). I’m totally with you in that you have to do whatever it takes to get control of your child when it’s young. Yes, there will certainly be the occasional “kerfuffle” (?) but yes, they will be basically good kids. Kinda like raising a rottie, pitbull or other “dangerous” dog. They have the ability to turn on you and kill you once they get bigger so you have to beat the hell out of them for their “wrongs” and love the hell out of them for their “rights” when they’re pups.

Solojobber: If I mistook your post for one asking advice… Forgive me. Perhaps if you had clearly stated you wanted no input/advice but just needed to clear your head…

Hyphenz: Nope, not my attempt at humor. There was, perhaps, a slight exaggeration on the frequency of the beatings but the point stands. Anyone in the same room with a toddler for one hour will easily find 3 actions deserving of discipline. I simply didn’t let any slide. Then and now, I hug and smooch him until he begs me to let him go and as soon as I do, he’s back in my arms for more. Hardly the sign of a child who obeys out of fear.

I can’t wait to have kids!!! No seriously, I want them, but not right now.

I now can thank you guys for letting me know what I will have to put up with!!

Karma wrote:

Oh my fucking god. Don’t tell me you are afraid of the “forum liberals”. Fuck 'em.

What b/s is this? Can you say assumption.

'bout what I’d expect though.

Anyway, Solo, you’re a lucky man, the curious little hurricanes are the best, they want to learn and know, take advantage of it and don’t crush that curiosity and intellect

That doesn’t mean not discipline, it just means keep it consistent - as someone said, now they’re hitting 2 they can begin to understand consequences.

Keep 'em out of the liquor cabinet though …heh

The thing I question with a lot of parenting today is that some many parents don’t want their kids out playing in the dirt,or playing hardcore sports - or being exposed to direct sunlight for that matter. Studies are starting to show a real link between the sanitised environment we keep our kids in adn a rise in allergies, asthma, etc.

you have a daughter?
lucky bastard.

chrismcl: "BTW, Karma, you wouldn’t happen to be a MILF would you? "

you obviously have not seen her pictures posted. search them, you’ll never wonder again. MILF, would be a drastic understatement.

Yeah, my brother-in-law has this saying about rearing children – beat them young and often. I know he’s kidding, but…

I have a daughter that turned two this past January. She’s definitiely pushing the boundaries. And that’s just what she’s trying to do – find the limits. When she knows the limits, she’s fine. My wife and I always get compliments on how well behaved our daughter is. If they only saw the OTHER 23 hours in the day… I’m not afraid of spanking her. To call that a beating would be making one HUGE leap of interpretation.

One book that has helped my wife (I’m going to be reading it next) is Gary Chapman’s “The Five Love Languages of Children.” Also, Florence Litaur’s “Your Personality Tree.”

Since the pic in Reader Mail was before I’d spent a full summer in the Colorado sun (and my hair lightened dramatically), here’s one taken a few weeks ago and some shots of my boy too. Doesn’t he just look sooo much the worse for wear for all the discipline?

Damn resolution issues… Have no clue how this will turn out.

I dont have kids but have worked with them and taught them. So i have over three years with experience with young kids so im not totally in the dark on how kids act. Time out does not work for most kids. If i got time out growing up i would have laughed. My parents told me that if i ever got in trouble at school that when i got home it would be even worse. I never got paddled in school, only got sent to the office once (not my fault), and never had detention. I believed my parents and didnt test them on it. To this day Im afraid to dissappoint my parents because of the way they brought me up.

“Put time out in time out”
-Jay Floyd

Isn’t it obvious that ~karma’s~ son likes to hug her because she has amazing breasts? It has nothing to do with discipline, people. Karma, wouldn’t your son just love an older brother? I can fly out immediately. I like to cuddle too, you know!

Drat. Doesn’t look like the second try to put the kiddo’s pic up worked. Is try number three the lucky one?

Damn Karma! Uh… cute kid. Yeah, that’s it. There was a kid in one of those photos, right?

Whew! Well, after all this fun I have to go take a cold shower and get back to work. :wink:

These are my two little cuties. Soon to be THREE little cuties… Good lord, what have I done!!!

I agree with you on the whole spanking thing Karma. I do it when necessary to discipline. The only criteria I have for myself on punishment is that I won’t use physical punishment if I am really angry. I have to have a level head and do it because I think it is what is best for them. When I am seeing red is the wrong time… I hand them over to my wife at that point! I don’t have to do it often, but the few times that I have it has been very effective. I have taken some parenting classes that have great ideas and many ways to improve children’s behavior, and they tend to really look down on spanking, but I am thoroughly convinced that my children will always know that I love them and won’t be traumatized from an occaissional swat to keep them in line.

Holy shit that is one hot WOMAN!!! HOT DAMN!! Thanks for a lovely pick me up during my last week of classes as an undergraduate!!

No kidding she’s HOT. If I had known you were that close to me at one time (Englewood), I may never have left.

You do have a fine looking boy too. You better get him a stick to ward off the little hunnies that’ll be after him!