Darth Vader Q

While the geeks are paying attention I got some questions. I’m not a star wars fan, but I like the movies. 1. whats the deal with the clone army? it was discovered that it was requested by a jedi that was killed? but they never resolved it and all of a sudden yoda shows up with it? I don’t get it. #2 who was the bad ass evil jedi at the end of the movie? These movies are hard to follow for a non fan to follow

Well, that is the question, isn’t it? Who is Sifo-Dyas? Why did he order the clone army? Did he know what he was doing? These are questions that are left for us to ponder until EP3 just like Empire Stikes Back left us question somewhat answered until Return of the Jedi.

The bad ass evil jedi at the end is Count Dooku or Darth Tyrannus. The cloaked one he meets in the wherehouse section of Corusant is the Phantom Menance-the future emperor, Darth Sideous.

Question to ponder: are Chancellor Palpatine and Darth Sideous one in the same? Just because they are played by the same actor does not mean they are the same character?

Could Sifo-Dyas really be Qui Gon Jinn? or Mace Windu? Obvious choices are Dooku and Sideous, but are they obvious?