Damaged Sexual Health from Deca/Tren Use

Nice brother! Thank you for trying something other than the typical oh let’s get on an AI bullshit.

This is all in pursuit of lowering my SHBG. I don’t even MESS with my e2. No need.

And that’s why you’re intelligent. The amount of dudes on here assuming you need AI and pushing that shit is mind blowing. And then they’ll talk trash on endos (me) and say our training is bad blah blah blah. I wonder how many of them went to med school or did a fellowship or better yet do CE in hormone replacement

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Believe me brother, when I see dudes running their e2 in the teens, I am the FIRST to make sure I let them know how dangerous it is.

I’m a recovering AI victim (joint issues), so I am quick to try and stop others from making the same mistake.

Again. Thank you for your time sir.

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I don’t know what it is but something is working. I’ve made huge strides. I have probably 7/10 sex drive 7/10 erectile function. I couldn’t be happier at the moment to be honest. I finally feel natural and normal again. I just have to see if it stays that way and I don’t fluctuate.

What I’m taking right now:

250mg test weekly
500iu hcg weekly
A drop of progesterone cream daily
200mg Sulbutiamine daily
300mg choline CDP daily
600mg alpha lipoic acid daily
1-2g vitamin C daily

I think the progesterone cream is what made a huge difference. So if I’m capable of function normally with good test levels, that means that if I can recover my natural test, I should have good results.

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U tried the Quadracarn for the Carnitine?

No I haven’t tried that

That’s too low, definitely an issue.

This is the problem with “normal” ranges.

Yeah bro, this trt cruise actually has given me hope. I thought I was screwed even with natural levels of test. So if I can recover my test levels, I think I’ll be in a pretty good spot. Fingers crossed!

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I dont know man, I’m finding it hard to wrap my head around not using an AI.

I also have a masters in endocrinology so I like to think I have some knowledge on hormones.

The use of a SERM in place of an AI doesn’t seem like it would work. I understand that the SERM would block the negative effects of elevated oestrogen in specific tissues, but what about the effects of high E in other parts of the body?

Oestrogen is important yes, but without a block on SOME testosterone conversion to E there will be huge amounts floating around, just not binding to breast tissue. Am I not understanding this correctly?


I think running sensible amounts of test never requires an AI unless you’re very overweight. I don’t even use one when I go upwards of 600mg test plus other goodies on cycle.



But what do you think about my question in regards to the high amounts of oestrogen floating around NOT bound to breast tissue?


Are you talking about on cycle with high amounts of test? It’s always been my contention and my experience that what matters is ratios of testosterone to estrogen. Where guys run into issues is when high estrogen is present with low testosterone. I don’t know where the notion got started that having higher than normal estrogen creates issues with higher than normal testosterone present. High estrogen relative to low tedtoerone in men is bad. High testosterone relative to low estrogen in men is bad.


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Understood but with higher testosterone levels meaning a more conversion of T to E, will the circulating E not cause high E sides in men even with the use of a SERM?

What I am referring to is the physiological and psychological effects such as bloating and mood swings, respectively?


Tbh man I just don’t see it in my patients. Moodiness and bloatig actually occurs much more when estrogen is low. Now if someone has an impaired liver and can’t clear hormones efficently then we might see issues. But I’m my experience moderate to higher estrogen with concurrently high testosterone presents zero sides.

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Idk about u guys but on Tren I feel like Darth Vader & I have a overwelming need to rule the galaxy. Its a mind fuck. On high test cycles like test cyp 600+ i feel same way but bloated…after cycle mentally more conservative less risky ect… On tren ill walk into sportsbook bet 3k and tell teller to bring me scotch & a hooker… When cycles over im a mild mannerd regular dude worried about death & taxs…i think its normal…mood sides are part of the pain & the gain in a way…but nobody enjoys eggs being scrambled.

Dude can you kindly elaborate how you are using g the meds.

Hcg divided or all 500iu at once.

Progesterone cream etc.

I have suffered same. From deca And need some hope. Please reply


Hey man,

Are you in the UK yet?


Next week my friend! @Singhbuilder


I did almost 4 months of trt. I felt 100% some weeks, and some weeks I felt 50%. It fluctuates but I was much better. I’m talking about my sexual health, let me clarify.

I went off the test and took a triptorelin shot 14 days after my last test injection. Then I went on nolva 20mg daily, clomid 25mg every other day.
This pct was the smoothest I’ve ever had and I felt great. No low test symptoms, still had some sex drive and was feeling my way into recovery. About a month after my first trip shot, I took another one. Once again, felt great and had a rush of libido for a few weeks that gradually started going down. Then another month later I took my third shot of trip. This was exactly 10 days ago.

The weird thing is my condition deteriorated completely. I went from feeling great to having zero libido and a useless Dick. It was already coming down before this last trip shot. That’s probably why I took it in the first place. I did get a boost that lasted one day after the shot but then it went downhill from there. I personally don’t believe that the trip plummeted my test, but I just got blood work done today so I’ll have an idea of what my levels are at.

Also would like to note that I stopped nolva and clomid about 7 days ago. But it doesn’t seem like that had any effect.

This past week has been so bad that it’s brought back all my stress. I was feeling good for about 6 months and now it seems like I’m back to ground zero. I’m hoping it’s just an off week, cause sometimes that seems to happen. But I want to just be normal again. I want to end all the pharmaceuticals for good and have a normal sex life again. It’s really frustrating. This month marks a year since I officially went off steroids (besides my trt run). This time last year I was coming off test and tren.

There have been signs of hope but when you spend 10 days with your Dick completely useless, it’s really frustrating.

On a side note, I’m going to attempt to have a healthy diet, lots of cardio and I’m gonna supplement with tribulus that contains protodioscin and dermacrine sustain alpha. I also have hydrocortisone on the way, which I wanna try for the first time.