Cyclonengineer’s Engineering New Muscle

As expected I am getting pushback on my protein intake of 1-1.2 g/day.

From the chat with my dietitian
“ In regards to the protein, we usually calculate grams of protein per day using kilograms VS lb. The usual equation is 0.8-1.2 g/kg VS g/lb. Do you know if the literature you are referring to used kg or lbs?”

I sent her links to barbend and Dr layne Nortons Website showing 1g/lb for intense resistance training. We’ll see what she says.

Correct me if I’m wrong but most literature seems to point to that number (or about that give or take) for intense lifters. What are your thoughts on protein intake?

(Also I doubt she deals much with people my weight who have the muscle mass I do).

She’s correct in regards to the kilograms vs lbs. We Americans are just so dead set against the metric system, that many mainstream sources use lbs instead.

Where I sit on this one is for MOST non-competitive, but actively training folks (like most of us in here), we’re likely going to be okay with 0.8 grams/pound - but I typically do recommend 1 gram/pound. There’s no real danger to exceeding that unless you’ve got a diagnosed CKD, but the amount your body actually uses as protein (building/repairing muscle) is questionable. Once you’ve hit a certain threshold, the body strips the nitrogen from the protein, excretes it and uses the leftovers like a carb. It’s definitely a less efficient process than eating straight up carbs - so the damage in terms of weight gain are going to be less, but it’s debatable as to if you actually get any additional gains from much more than that. It’s likely highly individual, but if you’re poor and can’t afford lots of protein - I’d say go with 1 gram and you’re good. If money is no object, and you don’t have CKD - go wild.

Let me know what she says. I’m guessing you’ll get some pushback. Not all RD’s are created equal. :wink:


50 red band pull aparts.
26kg KB swings 4x 30, 30, 20, 20
50 Hydrocore bag side to side swings
16kg KB clean 2x 5, 5 each arm
16kg KB one arm Press 2x 10, 10
Orange band Flyes 3x 15, 15, 12 (30 seconds between sets)
Orange band chest press 2x 15, 15, 30 second negative


She looks like she is all of about 100 lbs soaking wet, so I don’t know if she really understands how much fuel I actually need.

She met me in the middle at 250 g/day (I am okay with this, my goal weight is 270 and at 280 now). So if go over a bit okay. And no CKD or history of it in my family

I am diabetic so I am okay having my body use up some protein as carbs (glucose management is more important than strict muscle gains at the moment). I have a CGM now which is helping me learn which foods I can tolerate more of in terms of BG management. It’s been helping.

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42 minutes treadmill hike.

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36 minutes treadmill hike


Hike to the park and back with kiddos. Maybe 1.5 miles


50 red band pull aparts
16 Kg alternating KB swings 2 x 50, 50
Hydrocore Halos 2 x 30, 30
Offset push-ups 2 x 12, 12 (each arm)
Hydrocore side to side swings 3x 30, 30, 30
OH Tricep extensions green band 2 x 12, 10 (5 sec eccentric) each arm
Chest Flyes Orange Band 2x 16, 16


Git Up, Pick ‘em Up again today

Video doesn’t include rest periods.



5 rounds of
25 KB swings 26kg
3 hangboard Pull-ups

Complete in 11:37

50 Hydrocore side to side swings
30 Hydrocore Halos
OH Tricep Extension Green Band 2x 12, 12 each arm with slow eccentric

Working on upping volume on KB swings in prep for doing the 10K swing challenge in combination with the Velocity Diet.


Sounds like a transformative combo!


I hope so. I am trying to get into my best shape ever before my 34th birthday. I already feel like this spring has been good progress. I have been keeping my blood glucose levels in range >90% of the time and I feel a lot better despite not much weight moving on the scale (not that I care too much, but I am already a huge dude).

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So excited to see how this goes as a 1-2 punch. You’re certainly the right person to helm it!

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28 minute interval hike

Really surprised on this one today that even pushing up to 4 mph during the intervals my heart didn’t go above 130. And my resting heart rate has been 59 today. Must be doing something right.



Spent some time at the golf driving range this morning (hey, we do what we have to for our kiddos).

Lawn work

Workout fast and simple today
50 Hydrocore bag side to side swings
20 Hydrocore deep clean and squat
100 alternating KB swings 16 kg



3 hours yard work (prepping lawn for new sod on Wednesday)


33 minutes treadmill


Your HOA is just trying to help you with more NEAT… Too soon?

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3 rounds of
35 KB swings
3 hangboard pull-ups
In 6:20

Grey band one arm rows with fat grips 2x10 each arm
Orange band chest Flyes 3x12 slow eccentric
50 Hydrocore side to side wings
30 KB halos 16 kg
Green band OH Tricep extension 2x12 each arm


Counting today as a full training day.

Yard work (resodding the lawn) from 8:15 Am to 620 pm.

Moved about 5 cubic yards of dirt using a 5 gallon bucket and suitcase carries. Unloaded and placed three pallets worth of Bahia sod.

Positive note: at least the yard looks better than it ever has.

Negative note: I really don’t care about yards/lawns.


Got a nasty heat rash from working all day Wednesday. Took it easy until today.

Finally got my gymnast rings up.

Ring pull ups with feet on floor 2x10
Ring dips 3x 4,4, 6 (very unstable shaky reps).
Ring push-ups (slight incline ) 3x10, 10, 10
Ring inverted rows 3x 8, 8, 7

This will be great for dips and inverted rows/pull ups during the 10K challenge.


41 minute treadmill hike