Cutting up and shaping the quads...

First off I am a guy. Now to the question. What kind of adjustment can be made to training if you tend to lose fat last in the thighs. I get really lean but the last part to cut up is my thighs. MD6 has yohimbe in it, does that work for woman and men? I plan on using that as my thermogenic in the future. I know target fatloss is a myth and the location for fat loss is based on sex and genetics, but is there any way to accelerate this or make it less of a problem spot.

Second, if anyone can comment, what is the toe postioning or exercises for hitting the outside “tear drop” of the quads? My inner dominates the outer. Mucho gracias…

If you want to hit the outside of your quads, then have your feet close together when doing squats. If you feel like you are losing your balance when doing this then do then on a hack squat machine.