Cut or Bulk?

I’m stuck in limbo
Lean before Mean, or Mean before Lean?

I’m 6’ 177lbs @ 10% bf.

I’ve been lifting (bodybuilding) semi successfully for 1.5 years now.

I’m ready for a serious training cycle. Should I Start with Massive Eating? or Getting Shredded?

I’ve weighed out the positive and negetives and I can’t make a decision. I’ve read a few articles by Dr. Berardi that say starting lean produced better results. I’ve never been shredded either and I’d get a kick out of it. What are some of your thoughts?

this is gonna be “one of those” threads.

Man you are 177 lbs at 10%bf. By all means, start eating and lifting heavy.

Its not like your going to wake up one day fat and be surprised.
Start eating a ton of good quality food and train real hard and you should see far better results than cutting.

You could do a shitload of work and lose a few pounds of fat and look shredded but without a lot of muscle mass.

As soon as you have a bowl of ice cream your shredded look will be gone and you will have nothing to show for it.

Or you could add some muscle and then when you cut you would look impressive.

6’ 177 is pretty light.
And 10% is pretty lean.

Unless you really want to drop a few bf% before bulking so you don’t get too high I wouldn’t think of cutting.

I would add 20lbs, eat at maitenance until you lean a little bit back out, then go right back and add another 20.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
You could do a shitload of work and lose a few pounds of fat and look shredded but without a lot of muscle mass.

As soon as you have a bowl of ice cream your shredded look will be gone and you will have nothing to show for it.

Or you could add some muscle and then when you cut you would look impressive.

I think he should shoot for more of a John Basdow kind of look. He clearly won’t get any larger than exactly 179lbs at 8% body fat.

“Wait, correction, the Magic 8 Ball says he will weigh 971lbs…uhp, wait a minute, no it’s definitely 179lbs”.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
You could do a shitload of work and lose a few pounds of fat and look shredded but without a lot of muscle mass.

As soon as you have a bowl of ice cream your shredded look will be gone and you will have nothing to show for it.

Or you could add some muscle and then when you cut you would look impressive.

I think he should shoot for more of a John Basdow kind of look. He clearly won’t get any larger than exactly 179lbs at 8% body fat.

“Wait, correction, the Magic 8 Ball says he will weigh 971lbs…uhp, wait a minute, no it’s definitely 179lbs”.[/quote]

Only after looking at a small picture on the internet are you able to determine his true genetic potential.

[quote]Professor X wrote:

I think he should shoot for more of a John Basdow kind of look. He clearly won’t get any larger than exactly 179lbs at 8% body fat.

“Wait, correction, the Magic 8 Ball says he will weigh 971lbs…uhp, wait a minute, no it’s definitely 179lbs”.[/quote]

John Basedow? No way, too bulky most girls don’t like that. I vote for the “Brad Pitt in Fight Club” look.

No no no. Don’t you read Guido and Luigi? The Brad Pitt look can only be attained through the use of steroids.

To the OP: Get in the gym, work hard, eat and develop a body before asking about cutting.

you have been body building for 1.5 years and your only 177 and at 10%? did you start at like 135? becuase if you were much heavier than that, you werent doing much right

for the love of god please bulk up, wtf are you going to cut down to? your already 10% which is LEAN. and you would only be cutting for a few weeks before you got down to single digits adn then whta would you do? BULK so you would just be wasting time… please for the love of god bulk please…please crys on X

You idiot! I’m around 16-20% bodyfat right now!!

I WISH I could be around 10% so I could be bulking again!!!

Bulk you skinny little man!


Figured I’d get that response, thanks for the insults =)

I was 165 lbs at roughly 10% a few months after I started lifting so I made some results, or I just got older. Im armed with knowledge, and I love to squat and deadlift now so watch out.

The only thing you should cut is cardio, as in cut it out of your plan, eat and train, then eat some more, then train some more, then eat some more, and you get the picture.