Cstan097's Training Log

No time is no excuse for doing absolutely nothing and having a crappy diet again so going to try to squeeze in some kettlebell stuff and get back down to 1500 cal a day.


Trying not to die from a stomach virus i have had for the past week. Seems like it eased up today a little so hopefully tomorrow Iā€™ll be able to start something.


You alright @cstan097 ?


Just trying to navigate things right now. Kids are taking up all my day lately. I even had to start making a schedule so I can get other things done that I have been neglecting.

Thanks for checking in man.



Bw 207 lb

Day 1

Sandbag runs 10x 50 ft ~150 lb

Probably went too hard. My heart skipped a couple beats during the end and it kind of worried me.

20 min slow weighted vest walk with daughter. 40 lb


day 3

front squat 3x 225
push press 3x165
dl 6x 295
row 135 x 3x 10
5 min kb swings 55 lb

Not much but I am trying to see what I can fit in. If time permits will do a amrap with a lower weight at end. Only 5 min today of kb swings bc I am still nervous about the heart skipping thing the other day. Plan is to do this as many times as I can a week up to 3 and then a 4th for beach muscles if I can fit it in.


Mother wound up in the icu and they said she might not make it so I went down to see her. Busy time. Got a stationary bike and plan to do that at least 3 days a week for the ticker plus whatever lifting I can.

DL 325 x 4
press 135 x 3
row 135x 15,15,15


Very sorry to hear about this, my dude.

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Best wishes

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Jesus man, thatā€™s rough. Very sorry to hear about this, sincerely hope that things work out alright for your mom and the family

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Very sorry to hear that Cstan, I hope things get better

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@tlgains @atlas13 @SvenG @throwawayfitness

Thanks everyone. I appreciate the kind words.


30 min bike


208 lb today. Found out a little hack that works for me. A kind of pseudo intermittent fasting where I have coffee with creamer and a bit of fruit in the morning but most of my calories between 2 to 9. I found the biggest issue with dieting so far has been I eat at 7 and am hungry all day and then have to eat another 400 to 500 calorie meal with meds at night (or else I throw up and they donā€™t absorb properly). Not eating till 2 kind of sucks but is easier than trying to spread 1500 calories over 14 hours. Been doing this for just a few days but it is pretty easy to get 1000k deficit and up.


Honestly, I think this is great, and do something similar myself. I donā€™t really know if intermittent fasting is magic like some claim, but if I am only eating from noon until bedtime (around 9), then itā€™s a much smaller timeframe for me to be gorging calories. Bring a lunch to work, thatā€™s all I eat until I get home. So when I get home, Iā€™ll be a bit hungry, but Iā€™ve eaten so little throughout the day that I can have two good sized meals, feel pretty fully, and still be pretty low overall on calories for the day.

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Yeah that is why I never tried it because I didnā€™t believe the hype then I kind of accidentally did it a few days and noticed that I could not break my fast for quite a while and be fine. Also stole the bike idea from you lol.

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Merry Christmas Cstan

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Merry Christmas man

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Im still loving it. Gets my blood pumping without leaving me feeling beat to hell at the end of it.

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Yeah my ass isConditioning. Lol. The seat is so uncomfortable but Iā€™m hoping I can work back up to more intense conditioning. Just being able to get something in for 30 min any day is nice

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