Critique My Weak Squat

I am 183cm (6’0), 80kg (178lbs) and have been training consistently for 3 years.

My Squat 1RM has been a measly 100-110kg (222-244lb) for over a year and is much weaker than my Deadlift 1RM, which is 180kg (400lb). I seem to struggle at the bottom the most - I have never failed a lift after getting out of the hole.

The video is my 3rd cycle, 3rd week of Wendler 5/3/1 - 75kgx5, 85kgx3 (starts at 0.40), 95kgx4 (starts at 1.15) - I use the box to maintain consistent depth.

Please tell me if there are any major chinks in my technique, how I can correct them, any other tips on assistance exercises etc. that can help me get my squat moving up faster!

All help is much appreciated.

You need to bring your ass back more. Your knees are traveling too far forward. Mobility is good, depth is more than good. If you sit back more, bringing your knees more vertical, and cut the set at just below parallel I think that would be way more efficient. It would also cut down the distance you have to travel.


I think, judging by where your squat is compared to your other lifts, you would get more out of a program where you squat everyday and increase weights more often than 5/3/1. Then once you start stalling, switch back. You should be able to increase your squat, while greatly improving form just by squatting more often. Something like Madcow 5x5 or any of the other 5x5 programs would do.

Bring your hands in close and grip the hell out of that bar. Make your hands white by the end of the set and pull that bar so hard down into your back you bruise. Keep the elbows under the bar. This will help a lot.

As far as knees moving forward I think it’s a bit different than that. What I think you need is to really drive the knees OUT in order to maintain a straighter torso. What I see, is that at the bottom of the lift you drift wayyy forward out of the hole. This is a terrible squatting position. Think about driving knees out, which will naturally make you sit back a bit more, then drive with the hips out of the hole to activate the rear chain. Hope this makes sense

[quote]gorangers0525 wrote:
I think, judging by where your squat is compared to your other lifts, you would get more out of a program where you squat everyday and increase weights more often than 5/3/1. Then once you start stalling, switch back. You should be able to increase your squat, while greatly improving form just by squatting more often. Something like Madcow 5x5 or any of the other 5x5 programs would do. [/quote]


I squatted 100kg 3x5 (75kg 178cm) within 3-4 months of starting a 5x5 program. This was with no weights experience, and not a history of athleticism except for running as a hobby.

I would also suggest sometimes just…trying to squat more weight. Put more weight on the bar and try one rep. Do this on days when you feel GOOD. Feel GREAT. You’ll likely get it and it will help break mental barriers.

Also just read the part about getting out of the hole.

Get rid of the box and try working on the “snap” of your squat.

Descend quickly but controlled, and explode up out of the hole. Of course with heavy weight coming up is going to be slow, but that moment when you hit the correct dept and start to move up should happen explosively. If you’re worried about depth, tape your squats and watch them yourself…don’t depend on the box all the time.