Critique My Compound Lifts

It’s been 2 months since I posted my noob squat of 80kgs. 2 months have passed and I got my “bad quarter squat” to 120kg on Starting Strength program. I decided it take off 10kgs off the bar to squat deeper and the result is here:

Prior to Squat I did 6 mins cardio to get the blood flowing, than Defranco 8 agile warmup to increase mobility. Personally after watching my 105kg 5RM squat I still felt that the depth is not there yet, I could do a bit deeper into the hole and sit back a bit more. Please guys, any comments are welcome and appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Below is my 125kg 5RM dealift: still a totally beginner in that department, not sure if I should work the same weight for a few weeks to improve technique? I personally think my deadlift looks a bit more like SLDL and I squat it up instead of pulling:

And finally the bench press:

Not bad kiddo.

Im no expert, but it looks like your doing some mini-goodmornings as you are coming up. Try to keep tight and explode up.


Depth not too bad. Trying pulling your self down into the hole and brace your abs hard, this should give you a bit more depth:). Also if you want a good read on getting stronger read deadlift dynamite by Pavel and Andy bolton. It is available on dragon door .com it will help you t lifts immensely. Hope this helps

[quote]theBird wrote:
Not bad kiddo.

Im no expert, but it looks like your doing some mini-goodmornings as you are coming up. Try to keep tight and explode up.

Kiddo? I’m 30 years old and father of 2 one 3 years old and 1 is 3 months :slight_smile:
Thanks for the comment, would you suggest high bar and more up right position as I go down? The reason I semi-goodmorning the thing is because I’m losing balance sometimes.

[quote]Moses Correa wrote:
Depth not too bad. Trying pulling your self down into the hole and brace your abs hard, this should give you a bit more depth:). Also if you want a good read on getting stronger read deadlift dynamite by Pavel and Andy bolton. It is available on dragon door .com it will help you t lifts immensely. Hope this helps[/quote]
Will check it out thanks, although as I stated in my post the depth was only achieved by taking off 10kgs from 115 down to 105, I’ll keep adding 2.5kg each workout till I’m satisfied with the depth.

Need to get ‘back’ on the deadlift. You are doing a ‘bend over and pick it up’ not a pull. The depth on the squat is close…again…sit back more.

[quote]tazui1982 wrote:

Kiddo? I’m 30 years old and father of 2 one 3 years old and 1 is 3 months :slight_smile:
Thanks for the comment, would you suggest high bar and more up right position as I go down? The reason I semi-goodmorning the thing is because I’m losing balance sometimes. [/quote]

It is because you are Asian. White people assume Asians are all teenagers, apparently.

[quote]smallmike wrote:

[quote]tazui1982 wrote:

Kiddo? I’m 30 years old and father of 2 one 3 years old and 1 is 3 months :slight_smile:
Thanks for the comment, would you suggest high bar and more up right position as I go down? The reason I semi-goodmorning the thing is because I’m losing balance sometimes. [/quote]

It is because you are Asian. White people assume Asians are all teenagers, apparently.[/quote]
Yeah i think thats because most of us Asians are shorter than 12 year old girls damn genetics.

Squat isn’t too bad. Keep your chest up, and I think you need to work to get your ass involved. IT looks to me like your lockout is a little soft, liek you aren’t squeezing your butt at all. Maybe play around with a slightly wider stance, and with pushing your knees out a little. I find that a little bit of a wider stance can be very useful for not only engaging your butt and hamstrings, but also for keeping your chest up - it gives you a little more room to fit your hips/femurs, which can help keep the chest upright.

I agree with bluecollar on the deadlift. You aren’t really “hinging” at your hips, you are just sort of bending over and using your back to get the weight up. I think the solution is pretty simple. 1) get your back flat before you pull. 2) make sure you feel tension in your hamstrings as you bring your shins to the bar. Check out this rippetoe vid, I always find his coaching on setup for the deadlift to be the most simple and effective.

Finally, bench doesn’t look too bad. a little bit wobbly on a couple reps, squeezing the bar tighter and squeezing your back tighter might help you stabilize more. But that’s just a little thing, overall it looks pretty solid to me.

[quote]N.K. wrote:
Squat isn’t too bad. Keep your chest up, and I think you need to work to get your ass involved. IT looks to me like your lockout is a little soft, liek you aren’t squeezing your butt at all. Maybe play around with a slightly wider stance, and with pushing your knees out a little. I find that a little bit of a wider stance can be very useful for not only engaging your butt and hamstrings, but also for keeping your chest up - it gives you a little more room to fit your hips/femurs, which can help keep the chest upright.

I agree with bluecollar on the deadlift. You aren’t really “hinging” at your hips, you are just sort of bending over and using your back to get the weight up. I think the solution is pretty simple. 1) get your back flat before you pull. 2) make sure you feel tension in your hamstrings as you bring your shins to the bar. Check out this rippetoe vid, I always find his coaching on setup for the deadlift to be the most simple and effective.

Finally, bench doesn’t look too bad. a little bit wobbly on a couple reps, squeezing the bar tighter and squeezing your back tighter might help you stabilize more. But that’s just a little thing, overall it looks pretty solid to me.
[/quote] Thanks man, I’ll keep working towards fixing deadlift and squat. So far I’ve learned that squat it’s hard to do with proper form.