Coronavirus - What Happened?

Sorry if this has been posted I haven’t been on much last few weeks. I believe we have found the most idiotic thing on the internet.


Replace “heroes” with “fuckwits” and unreal is on board #maga #hashtag

You guys heard about Aus? Covid broke out again in NSW, it’s spread to Vic. I think we will all be locking down again shortly. It’ll be a shame if I end up deferring another year from university in attempt to avoid doing all my classes on zoom…

Fuck, imagine college without the social aspect/no face to face interaction with peers and/or lecturers. That’s been more or less the whole year for schools/universities in Victoria, NSW.

If I defer perhaps I can choose to go abroad on a program, get out of Australia… they won’t let us leave the country for years to come through recreational avenues (casual vacation etc). Hotel quarantine is supposedly still going to be mandated even after the generalised populace has been vaccinated.

I’m all for appropriate restrictions, locking down when required. But Aus has been vehemently pushing for elimination, and it doesn’t appear such an approach is sustainable from a financial/economic perspective. Perhaps those with more insight could chime in though.

NSW handled a case load of like 5-10 cases/day for months without serious repercussions. Other states for whatever reason felt the need to push for absolute zero. This results in a blanket lockdown/border closures going on for perhaps weeks/months longer than they need to. Border communities are being torn apart as a byproduct of states haphazardly slamming borders shut.

Guy on line: covid is no worse than the flu.
Me: the wife and myself had it. Felt worse than any flu i ever had with much longer lingering after effects.
Guy on line : your wrong.

Really? You got to be kidding?


I hope that was sarcasm.

I’m pretty sure the guy who wrote that, ment his “own " freedom when he used the word " your”.

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For me, when I actually got sick, it was not as bad as when I’ve had full blown flu. But that isn’t really a fair thing to say in general. Some people have mild symptoms with the flu, some people end up dead. Some people with covid show just a runny nose and lose of appetite like my kids, some people die.

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Thats the messed up part about it. Its hitting everyone different it seems. The worse part so far has been the full recovery. 4 weeks out since the main onslaught and things just still feel off physically.

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Yup, I started feeling off Nov 30th, and I still have lingering things like fatigue. But I’m almost over it.

I got nailed a few days before that… definitely sucks.
Hopefully for both of us things will rebound soon.


In keeping with lying about absolutely everything, the simpering tweens at the NYT are lying about this too.

This is the relevant guidance from the British government.

The guidance is for extremis cases where the first case cannot gets determined.

A better headline would be *Britain provides guidance for what to do in cases where records don’t indicate the vaccine first dose, baffling NYT retards.

The editor of the British medical journal has written to them for an urgent retraction, but I shan’t hold my breath. Literal, damaging, fake news. Fuck these clowns.


I normally wouldn’t get as white hot as I am about these dolts lying, but this one really boiled my piss.

They’ve completely abandoned any semblance of accuracy when reporting on the U.K. since Brexit. I don’t even understand why, given that their readers aren’t in the U.K. I guess they have to give whatever idiotic view of the world their subscribers demand.


When the Oxford vaccine saves the third world, given the cost per dose of 3 USD, I expect the NYT to blame the U.K. for not doing it faster.

Edit: 3 USD per dose and stored safely with normal refrigeration.* Maybe the worthless dolts at the NYT can do better?

Get this, in case you didn’t notice, the writer is not technically a journalist but does have a PhD in microbiology and immunobiology… from Harvard.

Then you have this: “Some scientists say Britain is gambling with its new guidance. “There are no data on this idea whatsoever,” said John Moore.” That is not some, but one scientist.

It is followed by: “Still, it’s not without precedent: Health authorities like the C.D.C. have previously said that if it’s impossible to give doses of a vaccine from the same manufacturer, providers should administer the vaccine that they have available to complete an injection schedule.”


I had noticed, which made me more annoyed at the headline.

Quite. It looks like the US paper of record was fishing for bad news where none was, in my estimation anyway.

This is what makes it so risible to me, the advice is standard. This was reported, in the headline at least, as some wild departure from good practice by the U.K, which it isn’t.

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Since it’s a new year, I’ll give the writer a break and blame it on the editors who come up with the clickbait headlines. Although the article didn’t need to be written in the first place since it didn’t state anything new or controversial. It would seem to me that it would only be an issue for individuals who find themselves in that situation, in which case they would be talking to their doctors and not trying to find answers in the NYT.


In the spirit of charity, and in honour of burying the abysmal year we just had, I’ll second all of this.

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Poor guy, he’s almost entirely vaccine at this point.


Drinks ready


During the trump supported insurrection, when congress was forced into close quarters, a group of flaming douchebag assholes from the trump party refused to wear masks around their pleading colleagues, many of whom have significant comorbitities.

Now, multiple folks from congress have contracted covid. Almost certainly from last Wednesday.

Classy. Real. Fucking. Classy.

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Muh freedom!