Consuming a Lot of Whey

i notice a lot of people consuming a lot of whey in “shakes” (probably containing some carbs, much less do i see people including fats) to get by in protein needs.

obviously the easy answer to “shakes or food” is whole foods, but is there much of a difference disregarding the fiber, vitamins and minerals if you take in a ton of whey over consuming a ton of foods mainly in regards to either gaining mass or getting stronger?

a ton of whey would be 100+ w/o much protein from whole foods for the average skinny guy just learning this stuff (common practice it seems).
for the bigger guys i’m not sure what their diets are like.

Was this post a question or just a statement…

question: but is there much of a difference disregarding the fiber, vitamins and minerals if you take in a ton of whey over consuming a ton of foods?

but is there much of a difference disregarding the fiber, vitamins and minerals if you take in a ton of whey over consuming a ton of foods?

Lol… this is like asking is there much of a difference disregarding the body, ass, and boobs between sleeping with an average girl or a supermodel? There isn’t a whole lot else to compare when you subtract the main components.

In other words, the difference is in the “fiber, vitamins, and minerals.”

Yes, there is a big difference.

I drink 3-5 shakes a day, but I am also eating whole food, including fruits and vegetables.

[quote]kickureface wrote:
but is there much of a difference disregarding the fiber, vitamins and minerals if you take in a ton of whey over consuming a ton of foods?


This thread makes me feel like I got KickedInMyFace

i was hoping for someone who had results with primarily shakes or a mixture, or just noticed how he gained with regards to both.

Most days I consume over 150 grams of protein from shakes.

[quote]leaftye wrote:
Most days I consume over 150 grams of protein from shakes.[/quote]


and how is that working out for you guys, strength and mass wise? how much do you guys weigh also

It’s working out great. My lean body mass has gone up by over 15 lbs in the past month and I’ve gained nearly 1/2" in my upper arms.

Eat a well-balanced diet and drink a shake after your workout.

I was drinking like 5 Surge shakes a day two years ago, and developed a stomach disorder where my stomach is randomly very loud throughout the day; it slowly improved to the point that it was almost fine a year ago and I then began taking workout fuel after not having powders for a long time and the condition quickly worsened again. I don’t know for sure that it was from the powders, but I suspect it may be.

[quote]leaftye wrote:
It’s working out great. My lean body mass has gone up by over 15 lbs in the past month and I’ve gained nearly 1/2" in my upper arms.[/quote]

15lbs in a month? 0.0

[quote]kickureface wrote:
i was hoping for someone who had results with primarily shakes or a mixture, or just noticed how he gained with regards to both.[/quote]

We don’t just drink shakes… the point of shakes is to meet our protein needs. We add them in to our solid diet already.

My protein intake is about half and half between powder and food. I take in about 250g of protein through powder, but I also eat a crapton of food. Take a multi-vitamin along with it all, and you’ll do fine.

shakes are liquid and have less of a chance to be digested before you piss. that’s what i was told a while ago. whole food sits in your system and is broken down.

i only have a shake as my breakfast b/c i leave for work 35min after waking. on the weekends i have a big ass omelet and toast.

[quote]B rocK wrote:
shakes are liquid and have less of a chance to be digested before you piss. that’s what i was told a while ago. whole food sits in your system and is broken down.[/quote]

This is illogical as liquids don’t require mechanical digestion in the same way as solid foods.

If anything, the opposite would be more likely true, although I don’t think it’s anything to worry about either way.