Congratualtions to Gov. Napoliatano

I buddy of mine in the AZ Guard sent this to me and I wanted to post a congratulations to Gov Napoliatano, someone that actually has a plan and is trying to do something about the border problem. I wrote before that using the Guard would fail, and I still believe that it will if it is funded at the state level. Mostly because when you activate a Guardsman their pay goes up fairly much. If it is funded at the federal level though, totally different story, I think it will work. Either way he tells me his unit is pretty stoked about going down and actually doing something to secure the border. Below is just the portion of her address that pertains to the border.

The prepared text of Gov. Janet Napolitano’s State of the State address Monday:

Today, I am proposing a four-part plan that will crack down on illegal immigration. My plan is tough, it’s realistic, and my budget includes $100 million to fund it. The Legislature should adopt this plan, and, for the first time, approve the funding it takes for the work we need to do.

First, we are going to come down hard on the criminals that have made human trafficking their business and human suffering their stock in trade. These human traffickers are vicious criminals who exploit misery and prey on fear. We are going to find them, break their criminal syndicates apart, and bring the full weight of the law down on them.

Were going to continue to step up our efforts to track and uncover the fraudulent documents that allow people to live illegally in the shadows. We will expand our high-tech approach to intercept stolen vehicles headed to Mexico before they are used to return to this country carrying loads of illegal immigrants.

Second, we will strengthen the border with the people and equipment we need to fight crime and increase border security for lawful commerce, tourism and legal immigration.

The federal government has promised more border patrol agents for Arizona.

But, until they are here, I have asked Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld to invoke article 32 of the federal code, which allows the federal government to pay for us to station the National Guard at our border. That financial support would allow the Guard to expand its presence and become even more involved in enforcing the rule of law at the border.

I also propose that we give the Department of Public Safety the manpower it needs to keep up with the overwhelming enforcement challenge.

And I want to make sure that law enforcement in the cities and towns that have been hit hardest by illegal immigration have the tools, training and personnel they need.

Third, we are going to get real about one of the root causes of this problem people come here because they want work and employers here are willing to hire them. If we want to stop illegal immigration, we’ve got to stop the demand. Last year, I issued an Executive Order to make clear that the state will not contract with employers who hire people who are here illegally. Now I ask you to expand that effort. Those who continue to intentionally hire illegal immigrants should face substantial fines and penalties.

Finally, I am not going to let up on the federal government. Americas borders are Washington’s job. Of course, we are going to step up and protect our citizens when the federal government fails them but this is a federal problem, and we expect the federal government to do its part. Its time that Arizona taxpayers be relieved of carrying the full burden of Washington’s mistakes.

Tough and realistic immigration reform, including a guest worker program, must be enacted this year. Our Congressional delegation should come together and pass comprehensive immigration reform, work with Mexico to reform their economic systems to end the flow of illegal migration, and get Washington to reimburse us for the costs we bear to hold up a broken system.

Lots of interesting and potentially useful propositions here. Has a more complete articulation of the methods proposed to implement these goals been posted by the govenor or the state’s administration anywhere? I’d be interested to read it to see how viable it actually is. I would have to guess though that the $100 million price tag is a gross underestimation.

I saw this mentioned on the news a day or so ago and I lend my applause as well!