Compulsory Poses, and 1st Show Prep

I’ve noticed you wear chuckies. As they have flat sole, I’d use some plates under heels during squats to target the quads more. ^^ Close stance, hitting it deep. But you probably already knew this. Just forget the PL squats for a while.

Other than that? Heels elevated front squats, leg presses, hack squats (if you have access to the latter). All should work.

@Vejne Honestly I’ve been working on different foot positions and doing depth work, but I had completely disregarded elevating my heels. So thanks for reminder! I don’t have the equipment to do heavy weight hacks out here, but I plan on starting the incorporation of some real deep light weight barbell Hacks next week. I hope that they’ll really cap off my leg day! Thanks.

To follow the issue of lower body development: I have found, whatever exercises you use, a main issue with leg training is lack of intensity. I have seen lifters who rely on PL squats with legs bigger than anyone I know (that is, anyone besides top national level and pro bodybuilders), seemingly solely because of their extreme intensity when regarding those movements.

That being said, all lifters i have seen who rely on things like the PL squat need isolation and varied stance work to develop certain parts of the quads.

@ironwheel - As far as leg intensity goes I’ve really been working on that. I normally take long breaks between my squat days, because of my heavy PL background. But I just revamped my workout to incorporate two leg days. With two heavy exercises at the beginning of each day for 5 sets of 5 reps so I can still keep my weight heavy but my intensity higher than it’s ever been. On Day 1 I’m doing back squats, and leg press with Day 2 being Front Squats and Hack Squats. By keeping my rest periods down to 30-45 secs it’s really getting my H/R up, and I’m breaking a huge sweat. I then train another medium weight exercise for 4 sets of 10, finishing out the workout with 3 more leg exercises at 3 sets of 15 reps. So far after the first week of this new routine I’m very hopeful that I’ll see some major gains in my legs. I’m also starting my mornings with tire sled pulls forward/backward three days a week. Needless to say my legs already feel fuller than ever before. Thanks again to everyone!