Coming to America!

Coming to Westcoast for 2 weeks mid may and I thought this would be a good oppurtunity to do some shopping for Bands, Powerpants e.t.c.

Any California/Nevada natives suggest anywhere good to go where i can pick up such stuff off the shelf?

FYI i am doing LA, Las Vegas and San Fran.


Someone must know a decent Powerlifting store in California or Nevada?!

Sorry but I bought my bands over the internet. I will do some “googling” and see what is available in the brick and mortar stores.

Yeah I got mine online from elitefts…but if worst comes to worst and you can’t find a store I could order you some bands and then when your in LA deliver them…


you might have to do what i did when i went to south africa. buy the stuf of the internet but get it shipped to an address within the country that will hold it for you, my hotel was more than willing to sign for the package and hold it 'til i got there.


Thanks guys some good ideas there.

Thanks alot for the offer Snippdawg but I’ll probably do as DrSTU suggests otherwise you’ll be going out of your way.

hit me up whenyou come 2 vegas, ill take you to our dungeon where there is two monolifts and reverse hyper, and chains, and bands, and glute ham raise

A real reverse hyper and a GHR!!!
Dribble, dribble…

Greekdawg I may just take you up on that offer!

I live in the SF bay area and although I’ve never been there, I have heard great things about Diablo Barbell Club in Concord. Maybe one of the fellas can post or PM you directions

Creed come to Bham if you really want to see a Reverse Hyper and a GHR.

Thanks, I have been meaning to get up there for some time but just haven’t got round to it yet. I am in desperate need of some constructive criticism of my form. Can you PM me the address?