Combining HIIT and Glute Bridges with Stronglifts

Hi there,

I was wondering what is the optimal way of combining 5x5 Stroglifts with Glute Bridges and HIIT as my goal is to lose weight and to improve my glutes and thighs. I am 24yo female and here is my training log.

Basically, my idea is to either put the Glute Bridges at the end of the Stronglifts training and do HIIT on the fourth additional day, but I am unsure if it is the optimal configuration.

Thanks for any response :wink:

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I think this would work fine, so long as your ā€˜extra workā€™ isnā€™t affecting your performance.

Curious, your goals are fat loss and building up your thighs and glutes - but youā€™ve chosen to follow a strength templateā€¦ While getting strong will still make your muscles bigger, it is not ideal for hypertrophy. Are your goals simply to look better (lean out and build thighs/glutes) or are you trying to get strong in these lifts for a particular reason?

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@silvieillesova I also think your plan is totally reasonable.

@Andrewgen_Receptors if her goal is big glutes, do you see a difference in programming here? Isnā€™t this program 75 reps a week of squats and deadlifts?

I think if her numbers were so heavy she couldnā€™t keep recovering session-to-session Iā€™d agree (and sheā€™d need lifts she could get some volume on), but I think youā€™re supposed to abandon this program when that happens anyway?

Iā€™m obviously the long-time undisputed champion of stay weak to get big, just curious your thoughts here.

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@ Andrewgen_Receptors Well I would also like to get stronger and as @ TrainForPain mentioned I figured out that program with a lot of squats would not be a bad place to start at.

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Yes and yes, but I take issue with the rep range and lack of emphasis on mechanical tension and exercise selection a la hypertrophy. Anecdotal experience of ~15 years training (which Iā€™m sure most here could also comment on) would show that nearly every single hypertrophy program is build on sets that are 6+ reps per set.

To get into the nitty gritty, hereā€™s my man-crush Mike Israetel in written form in the book Scientific Principles of Hypertrophy Training (Renaissance Periodization squad)


BUT this is only evidence that applies to intermediate/advanced lifters (no offense OP, intermediate/advanced is a term to describe the ā€œsuck factorā€ it takes for you to progress in muscle/strength progression - not a bad thing). For those who can make progress on sub-optimal training, diet, sleep and hormones (subjective), something like Stronglifts should be fine to make progress.

I looked into the linked studies (20) and (29) (both Shoenfield studies BTW) and both say that hypertrophy can be attained at similar rates for beginners via strength training OR hypertrophy training.

TL;DR @silvieillesova You should be fine to run stronglifts even for hypertrophy purposes. At some point, youā€™re going to struggle to recover from the weights and overall volume of Stronglifts - I recommend switching up your training at that time.

Sorry for going full bore in the Beginner section lol. This was a fun rabbit hole.

Iā€™ve always been a proponent of training your powerlifts like powerlifts (low rep, high weight) and your hypertrophy like hypertrophy (effective reps and weight, intensification, etc.). It worked well for me, but Iā€™m not everyone.


I like where your head is at. I wish more beginners emphasized the posterior chain.

Your approach seems good. Just make sure you are giving yourself a day off in between HIIT session and the next strength session.

@ jskrabac Thank for the answer, Iā€™ll make sure to do that.

@ Andrewgen_Receptors Thanks for the detailed answer.