Coca-Cola, This Is Gross!

im pretty sure citrus fruits can do all the things coke does (based on acidity), sooo…

no more oranges for me

despite my handle i’ll admit the absolute best way to improve a cheap steak is to marinate in dr. pepper .

[quote]zeropointzero wrote:
…Of course that reminds me of another story. My teacher was telling us all about the dangers of NaOH and how we should never pick it up by hand, all the while holding a pellet of it in between his fingers, for demonstrative purposes of course ;)[/quote]

Guess your teacher didn’t have sweaty hands that day. Tyler Durden taught me all I needed to know about proper handling of NaOH.


Yeah but the occasional can of Coke is yummmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyy.

[quote]jakewnet44 wrote:

That’s why I always ask for my favorite - Dr. Pepper.

If thats not something a Texan would say I don’t know what is.[/quote]

A true texan would ask for Big Red.

  1. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of coke and it will be gone in two days.

This is actually not true, It takes less time. I tried a while ago when I first read about this and it took less than 10 minutes. The steak was gone!!!

I DO suspect my dog had something to do with it though.

Big Red? Are you serious? I’ll admit that I do fancy a Big Red with peanuts in it, but any REAL Texan knows that D.P. is the Nectar of the Gods.

Unless you live around Dallas then…well…how Texan can you really be?

My best friend is a habitual Coke addict. He averages 9 cans a day and smokes two packs of Marlboro Lights.He has drank Cokes like this for as long as I have known him >10 years. At 23 he currently takes 3 different medicines, because he basically has no stomach lining. He also has no teeth, just some sweet ass dentures. Chicks dig dentures. Coke fucking sucks. IMO all carbonated drinks suck. Didn’t one of the writers on here call them Caustic Sodas? I do occasionally enjoy a few Crowns and Diet Cokes though.

“8. To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your windshield.”

Hey, I tried this and the fabric is all damaged now. I am going to hold you liable for your advice, and ask that you refund my wasted Coke.