COC Grip & Holding Strength Correlation

There are some talk about it here:

I can tell how it helped me when I got mine: At first I had trouble holding a 230lb bar while doing anything for more than 15-20 sec. Then I bought some HeavyGrips and worked my way up to the 200lb during a couple of weeks. Then I worked on static holds on my 200lb gripper. Suddenly, holding 300lb suddenly was no problem; even for longer periods. From what I’ve heard from other people that have been training longer than me (and use heavier weights), they’ve experienced the same.

I do feel that static holds helped the most, more than crushing for reps.

You’ll reach a limit somewhere, but when you are just using COC #1, that should be nothing to worry about. I’m sure the gripper will be of great help, as will heavy lifting in general.