Close Grip DB Floor Press and the Long Head of Triceps

I was wondering if there is a variation of the close grip db floor press that allows one to hit the long head of the triceps more?
Or is this not possible?

You’re asking if there’s a variation on an exercise that’s a variation of a variation? That’s so meta… It’s absolutely insane. You are completely bonkers.

You’re also clearly over-thinking and probably under-training. Just pick up some fucking weight and move it. Just go in the gym and punish yourself. When you are Floor Pressing 405 your Triceps will look different. All of them will.

Truth be told I don’t know how to isolate different heads of the triceps. I don’t care either. And don’t you dare tell me. I’m better off for not knowing. What builds triceps? Pressing. Bench Press. Incline Press. Military Press. Weighted Dips. Extensions will build your triceps too.

Do you think this guy cares about the symmetry between the heads of his triceps? I doubt he give it much thought. He just moves heavy ass weight. Your mental approach to training i.e. your intensity and your consistency, are WAY more important than the little minuta.

holy shit that has to be the strongest, smoothest bench pressing ive ever seen. who is that guy?

holy shit that has to be the strongest, smoothest bench pressing ive ever seen. who is that guy?

Thanks for the reply, the thing is,my old injury is coming back so i get tendon pain in the elbows when i do dips and extensions,i used to do pjr pullovers but now i can only do presses for triceps and therefore i need to find a way to hit the long head as CG mostly hits the two other heads

[quote]minsarale wrote:
Thanks for the reply, the thing is,my old injury is coming back so i get tendon pain in the elbows when i do dips and extensions,i used to do pjr pullovers but now i can only do presses for triceps and therefore i need to find a way to hit the long head as CG mostly hits the two other heads[/quote]

Oh god. You can only do presses for triceps now. How terrible.

Dude. Don’t worry about it. Just do the exercises you can do and get stronger at them. You don’t need to isolate separate heads of the triceps. I’m pretty sure you can’t anyway. Besides, if you did B-Jay Pullovers or whatever for triceps, you’re probably not training them right anyway.

Do Bench Press, Floor Press, Incline Press, Shoulder Press. Just press. Don’t worry about isolating anything. Listen to what I am saying: if you get a lot stronger all of the muscles on the back of your arm will be bigger.

Have you tried neoprene elbow sleeves and fish oil? Sure helps me.

As Scott said, press away. The long head gets worked a little on chinups and rows so don’t be too sad about it. Are there any extension exercises you can do? Cable pushdowns? Kickbacks? Although not considered “hardcore” by some, getting a lot stronger on them is better than nothing.

when your shoulders are internally rotated and pressing(ie chicken wing arm position)…the long head doesn’t fire very well…it basically shuts off on overhead pressing…

i would do some type of decline pressing movement…dips preferably

[quote]kakno wrote:
Have you tried neoprene elbow sleeves and fish oil? Sure helps me.

Doesn’t that make them smell bad?

[quote]FightingScott wrote:
You’re asking if there’s a variation on an exercise that’s a variation of a variation? That’s so meta… It’s absolutely insane. You are completely bonkers.

You’re also clearly over-thinking and probably under-training. Just pick up some fucking weight and move it. Just go in the gym and punish yourself. When you are Floor Pressing 405 your Triceps will look different. All of them will.

Truth be told I don’t know how to isolate different heads of the triceps. I don’t care either. And don’t you dare tell me. I’m better off for not knowing. What builds triceps? Pressing. Bench Press. Incline Press. Military Press. Weighted Dips. Extensions will build your triceps too.

Do you think this guy cares about the symmetry between the heads of his triceps? I doubt he give it much thought. He just moves heavy ass weight. Your mental approach to training i.e. your intensity and your consistency, are WAY more important than the little minuta.

Fuck,I tot he was attempting a one rep max…and then I see him go 1 rep and then the 2nd and then the 3rd, all done smoothly and his bench set up isnt really strictly powerlifting set up either!

rock neutral db pressing, doing 4x10 on neutral flat, incline and shoulder presses blew my triceps up. Couple this with a 5x10 heavy close grip bench day and you should be packing heat.

neutral grip, period. if you do 4x10 (or similar) on flat incline and shoulder pressing with neutral db’s along with a heavy 5x10 close grip day you will see huge improvements in your pressing numbers and tricep size.

neutral grip, period. if you do 4x10 (or similar) on flat incline and shoulder pressing with neutral db’s along with a heavy 5x10 close grip day you will see huge improvements in your pressing numbers and tricep size.

neutral grip, period. if you do 4x10 (or similar) on flat incline and shoulder pressing with neutral db’s along with a heavy 5x10 close grip day you will see huge improvements in your pressing numbers and tricep size.

how high should the incline be for close db press? also should i lift straight up or in a arc?

Dude, just lay on the floor and use a neutral grip. Work up to like 120 lb dumbbells x 10 and your triceps will grow.