Clomid PCT Fans

[quote]retailboy wrote:
Do you still have significant gains on PCT? AKA should I keep my calories up, or can I move onto my cutting phase during my PCT?[/quote]

The goal for pct should be to maintain the gains made while on.
Dieting during pct would be the last thing I’d do as you want to keep calories relatively high to help keep your body in an anabolic state.


For that matter, it is impossible to keep indefinitely all that one gains on a steroid cycle. Once the hormonal environment is back to normal, the physique will begin to revert to normal. There is some lifetime retention of gains in my opinion, but the greater fraction of the gains will be lost.just delay the inevitable.

nolv make less estrogen available to the body, there is, then, less hpta supression from estrogen.there is sinergy with clomid and nolva.this is not a race nor competition between compounds.

[quote]OSWALDOSALCEDO wrote:
For that matter, it is impossible to keep indefinitely all that one gains on a steroid cycle. Once the hormonal environment is back to normal, the physique will begin to revert to normal. There is some lifetime retention of gains in my opinion, but the greater fraction of the gains will be lost.just delay the inevitable.

nolv make less estrogen available to the body, there is, then, less hpta supression from estrogen.there is sinergy with clomid and nolva.this is not a race nor competition between compounds. [/quote]

Actually bro, it is quite possible to maintain all of the gains made while on cycle. This is especially true if one were to start using AAS prior to reaching their genetic potential.

Cy Wilson has stated on several occassions that retention of gains has more to do with hpta recovery rather than the body not accepting the newly acquired muscle mass because the body wants to revert to homeostasis.


ahh of course, and the witches fly.


Suppose one’s genetic potential was 250 lbs, and you started cycleing AAS at 250, adding muscle and losing fat until you were a ripped beast at 250. If you don’t go over that theoretical gentic max of 250, would you say that you keep it all with the cessation of AAS? If so, could you maintain that level with proper diet, natural supplementation and training ?

[quote]Over40 wrote:

Suppose one’s genetic potential was 250 lbs, and you started cycleing AAS at 250, adding muscle and losing fat until you were a ripped beast at 250. If you don’t go over that theoretical gentic max of 250, would you say that you keep it all with the cessation of AAS? If so, could you maintain that level with proper diet, natural supplementation and training ?[/quote]

If I’m understanding you correctly, you’re asking if a person were to acquire more muscle and lose fat but still weigh the same as they did prior to AAS use?

I think the answer to your question has a lot to do with the age of the person. A bber who is beyond their genetic potential in their 20’s is much more likely to hold onto gains than a bber in their 40’s d/t the natural horomone production required to hold onto muscle.

For maintaining gains, I feel that diet,training,supplementation, and recuperation are just as important of factors as a persons natural hormonal production.


[quote]rainjack wrote:
You guys are scaring the shit out of me. I don’t want to be a sniveling little girl, or even worse - an even bigger asshole than I already am.

And I start my PCT in about 3 weeks. Any hints/tricks to help alleviate the PMS-like symptoms?[/quote]

I’ve found since using Ergopharm’s Pschotropin , a significantly better outlook and steady state . .and I’m coming off of a meltdown and Clonazepam (like Ativan) for trying to do two jobs, workouts, family and more . .

I can only attest to 4 caps each morning has made me nicer and clearer in thought . .

Best of luck :slight_smile:

[quote]CoachMike wrote:
I’ve found since using Ergopharm’s Pschotropin , a significantly better outlook and steady state . .and I’m coming off of a meltdown and Clonazepam (like Ativan) for trying to do two jobs, workouts, family and more . .

I can only attest to 4 caps each morning has made me nicer and clearer in thought . .

Best of luck :slight_smile:

That’s good, and using GABA helped my mood tremendously. It’s cheap and effective.

I just finished 2 weeks of 100mgs Clomid ED (along with a tribulus blend). What a horrible, shitty, emotional time. Honestly, I didn’t even realize until reading thread this how much of an impact this stuff may have been having on me. I’ve been a whiney, needy pain in the ass! In fact, the only good thing I can say about my PCT is that I’ve finally been able to relax and sleep through the night again.

One of my buddys in the gym said when he was coming off a cycle he was watching the Lion King with his kid. First time Mufasa’s death brought him to tears.
