Clomid, Good Numbers but Still Feel Bad Even on Diff Doses. Do I Need TRT?

I watched the video and its a great piece of (intended?) misinformation. Its a sales pitch.

Just some examples:

min 27:30: Howell: If you talk about being a researching, where did you earn your PhD? What was your thesis topic on?, How many studies do you have indexed on Pubmed?

Thats an interesting point. I looked both up in Pubmed and Research Gate. E.g. Howell has published 11 articels in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Out of those 11, only 2 are first authorships and not a single one is primary research; its all review articles. The two articles having him listed as first authors have an impact factor of around 3.

Just as a comparison, without trying to come across arrogant, but trying this set this into context. I published my PhD thesis in an journal called ‘Cell’ which has an impact factor of 32. I now have 29 articles in peer-reviewed journal listed on Pubmed with an average impact factor of 11. All, except 3 articles are primary research articles (meaning generating new data by actually doing experiments) and in 17 out of the 29 I am listed as first author.

I couldnt find a single publication in a peer-review journal of Nichols.

Regarding the publications shown on the slide min 27: Will be looking out for them, so far nothing published.
Regaring the type 3 hypogonadism, that certainly an interesting thought. Looking forward to reading it once its bein published. But i guess it will be very hard for them to publish in a good journal, because what they lack is hard scientific data.

Regarding EDCs: Interesting theory, its been out in the scientific community for some time. The problem that I have with this is, thats its a theory so far. What I really dont like is that its been used to explain the ‘lower T’ levels of todays young men. In reality the problem in young men today starts much earlier, it starts in children before they hit puberty and before T can play any role.
Look at the graph below from the CDC. In the 70 to 80s about 5% of 6-11 year old children were obese, now its hitting almost 20%. Thats no just overweight, thats obesity for crying out loud and its in these children by no means whatsoever related to testosterone. THATs the reason why so many young men struggle today with diseases which normally only show up in 60 year old men. And thats the reason why so many young men today struggle with low T symptoms. Again, in this age group testosterone doesnt play a role in maintaining a healthy body composition!

min 50:45 regarding the T ref ranges: He is citing the Morgentaler 2007 study. The study demonstrated a wide range in T ref ranges. The upper ref range differed between the labs differed from 486 to 1,593 ng/dL. Only a single lab of the 25 labs had the upper level set at 1593 ng/dl. So why did he select the 1593 ng/dl to go on and make the arguemnt that T levels must have declined because the new range range ends in the 900s? Why didnt he select the 486 ng/dl, or the average of all upper levels and compare it to the latest upper level? He would come to a conclusion that T levels may actually have increased? The answer is two-fold i) he uses it intentionally to make a sales pitch and ii) he may not actually understand because he lacks a training in analytical biochemistry.
He goes on discussing the paper from Travis et al 2007, ‘A population-level decline in serum testosterone levels in American men’. Again he just picks out what he wants to sell. No limitations of the study and certainly he doesnt mentioned that another study using actually more sophisticated analytical technology came to the conslusion that in this period of time no decline in T could be observed in young healthy men.
Go to this post to read more on this comparison between the studies.

min 56:00 regarding morning measurement: No, ‘they’ do not want to limit the access to treatment, ‘they’ just want to assure that there is a standardized procedure inplace that’s why you get tested this way

I stopped watching at min 58 because its a waste of time.