Clinton Campaign, DNC Funded Russia Dossier?!

Seems legit theory he pardoned that fuck stick Sheriff…
However he would never resign. Trump wont bow out…Has to be impeached or just not win next election to go. Question is what kinda evidence would they need to see that verifies collusion, or obstruction of justice.
I think if it exists its in connection to data company & wiki leaks

Read the case I posted up top. The law isn’t what was with John Brown

So if I’ve understood the Cramer vs. US one can only commit treason if he/she aids and abets an enemy during wartime and not by conspiring against/resisting the government?

If I click on sputniknews links… doesn’t that guarantee me a virus? The Russians are grade A hackers right?

It has to be the electronic equivalent of sleeping with a Kardashian.


I believe what they held was there is a need for a specific intent to harm coupled with an overt act (witnessed by at least two persons), rather than merely render aid or comfort. The point being that treason convictions are exceedingly rare these days. Article III covers not only aid and comfort but also levying war (meaning actual conflict) “or adhering” to their enemies. What I would argue is that none of the uranium deal (assuming actual bribery into it, which as I mentioned above I’m not willing to do), or assuming it’s true, Trump’s accepting help from the Russians, or again assuming the DNC did pay for the dossier knowing it came from the Russians, the dossier, would fit the definition of “treason” as currently defined, without more. That doesn’t excuse anything. It just means there are other charges that are more likely to stick.

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If you install their alleged anti virus software from KasperskyLab, then yes.

“Hello, I’m a former officer of the KGB and I would like to offer you this fabulous piece of anti virus software, completely free”

On a serious note, the ex-Soviet education system emphasizes math and computer science and the State (well, FSB) offers employment opportunities to the best of the best, not to be confused with bottom of the barrel troll factories.


Who in Trump’s administration levied war against America, and for how long has America been at war with Russia?

John Brown raided a federal armory and intended to supply arms for a slave insurrection.

I have to believe that “enemies” requires we be at war with that/those country/countries. I don’t believe “enemies” means “other countries.”

In a real sense, sure. But once the concept gets taken into abstracta, shit gets weird.

Thats when concepts like “war” can get stretched into meaning social, political, economic “war” and an enemy or threat can become drugs, climate change, social classes, etc.


Well when you put it like that…

Damn. Now I feel dumb.


Hypothetically, if I sent Bill Gates an e-mail letting him know how popular Steel Reserve 211s are with the poor, would I be guilty of class warfare treason? Let’s assume I was trying to help him defeat the poor by letting him know which malt liquor the poor seems to prefer…

She also has a long standing policy of giving the Russians what they want, like 20% of U.S. Uranium holdings.
As for the rest I will wait for tomorrow. I have speculated enough.

That would be like telling the north that the south was wearing grey.

Now if it were some esoteric knowledge like @Basement_Gainz cut loose with upthread about the ghetto-fabulous formula, you’d have something. But since you are only repeating what someone else has said- it wouldn’t be treason.

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You mean like when they wanted Hillary to stop openly criticizing Putin and she did it anyway?

Yeah Russia must have run hundreds of thousands in fake FB ads in that classic “pick on the girl you have a crush on” phase of Putin’s life. Kids these days

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Ummm has anyone mentioned it was actually GOP that started the dossier? Clinton took over its payment after the never trump rebs failed but by then it was pretty much complete.

Nope. Steele was hired after Hillary started paying according to the Hill and WSJ.

The majority of deckhands employing that formula are white trash from Ohio, some black guys, but mostly whites. Being a deckhand doesn’t pay well at first and it’s dangerous. So they have to weed through a lot of dipshits to find keepers. I realized I used the term “baby mamma” might have made things racial. That’s what we call mothers that guys refuse to marry regardless of color.

Another trick they use is to make friends in HR. Whenever the Coast Guard comes around to do mandatory suprise drug testing on a boat HR tips off the dipshits that use opiates. They call in sick for a few days and get a Dr. to write an excuse. They clean up and apparently after 3 days you piss clean for opiates. So they come back and test clean. That HR guy that was tipping them was only charged with obstruction and pleaded down to a misdemeanor. Dad found needle tracks on a guys arm and called the Coast guard, not the company and wouldn’t dock till the Coast Guard tester got there.

Scammers work so hard to get around shit. Imagine if they put that energy to use doing productive things.

The Russians have never appeared to me as caring much for the veneer.
So they ran ads on FB, who cares? A FB ad had never once influenced me. It may be perhaps I am not on it.
If FB ads are that effective then I am going to reintroduce the pet rock and make a bundle.

No not so much for that notice those were state laws. The definition of treason is actually in the US Constitution for federal law

Here educate yourself a cursory search of Wikipedia is not a very good way to Learn US law

Oh, I know. I don’t read too much into it. There are plenty of people that use that model to get by/game the system.

I was just being facetious about the whole subject in the spirit of Nick Viar’s reference to Bill Gates’s war on poverty.

I didn’t realize Gates hated poor people so badly. I know he doesn’t want to be one, and that’s usually enough for most people.

He probably started this heroine epidemic too.