Clen and Possible T4 - Need Advice

Age: 18
Training History: Been lifting since the age of 13.
Lifting stats: No recent and very accurate stats, however after I left College ( Uk-based )
Deadlift : 180kg
Back Squat: 150kg
Incline Bench Press: 135kg ( haven’t had access to a flat bench for 6 months)
Bodyweight at that time : 112-115kg fluctuations. Current Weight : 98-102kg
Previous cycle history : No AAS, 2 trips with ECA stacks

Specific reason to try clenbuterol instead of Ephedrine is based on the fact that Clenbuterol has a longer half life ( around 36 hours) and I wasn’t happy with the last ECA I used, I also don’t like the short effect/half life of ephedrine. And before I wanted to spend money on more ephedrine, I want to try clenbuterol.

I wanted more out of clenbuterol so I thought about stacking it with T4 ( T3 was not my first choice due to it being a lot more potent and I didn’t want to suffer from its catabolic effects too much, therefore I believe T4 might be a better choice in my scenario) The reason for wanting to use these pharmaceuticals is for sport, I play rugby at University standard and want to be leaner, which will help me to be fitter around the part.

I train in the gym at least 5 times a week, 3 times strength and conditioning which involves a lot of plyometric movements, strenght training includes front squat, cleans, high pulls, lat pulldowns and bosu ball climb ups ( the latter two aren’t real strength but more a personal choice at targeting weaker areas of my body )

Now rugby gets trained 3 times a week, which is always 1.5 hours a session, so I get minimum 4.5 hours of cardio training which is always fast [aced and I give it everything I have. Some weeks I have 2 rugby matches, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. These last 80 minutes a match. So rugby is truly worked out 5 times a week as well. Gym lasts anywhere form 1.5 hours to 3 hours.

On the nutritional side, I always take food to the gym, some form of fast acting carbohydrates and bcaa for during workout, I always have fats acting carbohydrates before gym and after gym too, the rest of the time slow releasing carbohydrates such as brown rice, sweet potatoes and sometimes pasta. Carbohydrates at the moment never exceed 200 grams, I always eat as much protein as I can get hold of, but never below 150g a day ( I know this is low ) and I don;t measure fats but generally are kept in 50-75g a day, but the fast majority of them are unsaturated and EFA’s.

Now my question is could I pull off Clen and T4 without significant muscle loss and a significant amount of fat loss? I am hoping to lose around 2/3kg in 4 weeks, in excess of what I am losing now * which has been around 1kg in 2 weeks.

Weeks 1-2

Clenbuterol: 20mcg the first 3 days, per day. Then increase by 20mcg a day till I reach 60mcg per day. This will be everyday for the first 2 weeks.

Week 3 use Diphenhydramine 50mg before bed to upregulate receptors ( not sure if this is a broscience myth or fact)

Clen use week 3-4
Start at 40mcg a day, for the first 3 days, and build up to 80mcg a day for the rest of these 2 weeks.

T4 usage :

Week 1 : 100mcg a day
Week 2 : 200mcg a day
Week 3: 200mcg a day
Week 4: 100mcg a day

Thank you for reading my thread, I tried to provide as much helpful detail as I could, and any feed back will be appreciated. Was also thinking of using T4 but I wouldn;t know how to go about that, so I would rather not unless someone can provide me, kindly, with some solid information on the matter.

Bump? anyone?

I’ll break the news… No one on here wants to touch this thread because of your age. Out of pure curiosity what is your BF percercent?

To be quite honest I don’t know my body fat, I have never had it tested. I’m fairly lean and have some veins popping on my shoulders and some on my biceps.

test your BF, im inclined to believe you can prob get where you want through diet but without numbers idk

Why is this even in the steroid sub-forum?

  1. You’re 18.
  2. You don’t know what steroids are- clen/T4 aren’t steroids
  3. You clearly don’t understand how these drugs work if you’re hoping to minimize muscle loss.
  4. You’re already doing copious amounts of cardio/weightlifting + you can’t even estimate your bodyfat%; there is a bigger underlying problem.

Not only would I never use clen again, I would never use both clen &T3/T4 (especially at the amount of mcg you’re proposing) without steroids. Enjoy losing all your muscle running.

[quote]Toby Queef wrote:
Why is this even in the steroid sub-forum?

  1. You’re 18.
  2. You don’t know what steroids are- clen/T4 aren’t steroids
  3. You clearly don’t understand how these drugs work if you’re hoping to minimize muscle loss.
  4. You’re already doing copious amounts of cardio/weightlifting + you can’t even estimate your bodyfat%; there is a bigger underlying problem.

Not only would I never use clen again, I would never use both clen &T3/T4 (especially at the amount of mcg you’re proposing) without steroids. Enjoy losing all your muscle running. [/quote]

Thank you for your reply. The BF thing isnt about me not being able to test my body fat, I can do it, I just haven’t yet. Just curious what do you think is the underlying issue here? And about your second point, where else do you exactly propose that I ask about this? Since T-Nation doesn’t have any other sub forum for this kind of stuff.

This whole post was more about me gaining more knowledge but you clearly seem to be able to sum me up in no less than 4 points. And your point about my age is somewhat irrelevant since a - this whole post/ thread is more about me gaining some knowledge and I’m sure there have been older people who have jumped on more chemicals without them doing enough or basic research.

However, thank you for your reply, I still appreciate it, if you could please tell me what could be some underlying issues her, or help me get to it?

Rule of thumb with internet stats is subtract 15% off of stated “max lifts” and add 5+ points to the claimed bodyfat %. Very few people are honest when giving out unverifiable stats.

So when you come on here talking about clen and t4 we all assume you’re probably a chubster. Thats why you get the “fix your diet and training” replies. And then you add to the suspicion by saying that you want to use these compounds to be “fitter for sports”. FYI clen and t4 are NOT going to make you fitter for rugby. If you really do as much cardio as you say, that’s all you need to improve your endurance for your sport. In fact taking that stuff may be the last thing you want to do considering your goals.

So all that being said…if you’re a fatty (which sounds like a strong possibility at least to me) then yes, clen and t4 will definitely help you drop a big chunk of that pudge you’re carrying around. Quickly. But if you really want to excel in your sport STAY AWAY FROM THE STUFF!

Or post some pictures. I recall a thread entitled “19 yr old, first cycle” or something to that affect. It got all of the usual responses you would expect from a thread with that title. “Too young”, “fix your diet”, “learn how to train”, “fuck off”…etc.

Then the kid (Colton something) posted some pictures. He was big and ripped. Obviously had a strong handle of his diet and training. Not just some scrawny teenager or pudgy little bastard looking for a shortcut. Tones changed instantly and the dude got the help he was looking for.

I have been taking gw501516 at 10mg/day for the past month or so, have dropped a lot of body fat in the first 2 weeks and my endurance is through the roof

really impressed with this stuff you might want to look into it I think it suits your goals more better than Clen + t3\t4 combo.

Oh and no side effects to speak of except i breathe better during cardio, rest less between sets, I think it has improved my recovery a little, most report great recovery i just find it hard to tell as I’ve been taking ModGRF + Ghrp6 for the past 3 months also.

You all have valid points, and thank you for your input, I will post again if I can get hold of a camera ( at the moment and away from home ) I understand the typical responses people would give out someone who posts just like me and with no real photos or some sort of evidence to back your claims because I could just be talking shit out of my arse, which I am not but I cannot prove that.

On a side note it was either do this properly or not do it at all. Thank you all for your time.

EDIT : I’ll do research into gw501516 thanks for the input.

Listen :Put the donut down,and cut your caloric consumption.Man the fucking thyroid hormone will catabolize what little lean body tissue you probably already have.The way you decrease fat!!! is by building lean body tissue i. e. muscle. AS for your other brilliant/Lazy half measure is equally as inadequate. Train,eat protein and get rest? fuck the drug’s everyone of you Lazy fuck’s turn to DRug’s

[quote]johnny k53 wrote:
Listen :Put the donut down,and cut your caloric consumption.Man the fucking thyroid hormone will catabolize what little lean body tissue you probably already have.The way you decrease fat!!! is by building lean body tissue i. e. muscle. AS for your other brilliant/Lazy half measure is equally as inadequate. Train,eat protein and get rest? fuck the drug’s everyone of you Lazy fuck’s turn to DRug’s[/quote]

It blows my mind when people that don’t even lift or stick to a diet want to juice, its unbelievable

You don’t need Clen let alone t4. Work out a calorific deficit, in your case you would even be fine eating at maintenance the amount of cardio you do, and give it a few months.

[quote]riceERYDAY wrote:
You don’t need Clen let alone t4. Work out a calorific deficit, in your case you would even be fine eating at maintenance the amount of cardio you do, and give it a few months. [/quote]

This is exactly what I have chosen to do. Thank you everyone for your input - even the really negative stuff, which was probably spot on.

Have a good day T-Nation sirs.