Church of England Report on the Government &

This 180 page report, issuing on Monday, sounds fairly explosive.

A Conservative attack on Labour via the Church? Is Rowan Williams trying to save his sorry ass?

The report, commissioned for the Church of England and to be published on Monday, accuses the Government of discriminating against the Christian Churches in favour of other faiths, including Islam.

I think the more worrying thing is that on several occasions when the church has stupidly objected to policies the government appears to try and keep them happy.

This happened with a bill on embryos and stem cells, several minsters threatened to quite if they couldn’t vote against it because they were Catholic (the church also objected). I believe the government shouldn’t even listen to any church, and get rid of religious lords.

The conservatives, however, do seem to be jumping on anything which goes against labor at the moment, including siding with the medical unions. So they probably would do this.

[quote]katzenjammer wrote:
This 180 page report, issuing on Monday, sounds fairly explosive.

A Conservative attack on Labour via the Church? Is Rowan Williams trying to save his sorry ass?

The report, commissioned for the Church of England and to be published on Monday, accuses the Government of discriminating against the Christian Churches in favour of other faiths, including Islam.

What has this forum come to?

An unpublished report from the Church of England allegedly complaining about discrimination by the Godless government. And if that wasn’t enough, the OP makes sure to give us the Rupert Murdoch perspective on the matter.

What’s next? A thread about a homosexual club complaining about discrimination and published in “The Gay Times”?

[quote]lixy wrote:

What has this forum come to?

An unpublished report from the Church of England allegedly complaining about discrimination by the Godless government. And if that wasn’t enough, the OP makes sure to give us the Rupert Murdoch perspective on the matter.

What has this forum come to?

Rowan Williams is still having to backpedal on his comments about Sharia law; and now there comes a soon-to-be published report by the Church of England alleging that the Labour Government has been pandering to Islam…

…and Lixy doesn’t find that interesting?

Actually, Lixy, I found out about this via NPR. I couldn’t find a link and had to go a-searching. Besides, I knew the mere whiff of Murdoch would annoy you :wink:

Lixy, you are the KING of bullshit stories from bullshit sources my friend.

"hey guys look at this link, see americans really do oppose the war www.americanswhooppose



The C of E has a point, the government has been going out of it’s way to pander to muslims.

The labour party is either religiously illiterate or downright traitorous. If the labour party gets to continue what it is doing, the English Christians are going to suffer the same fate as the Persian Zaroastor’s.

The montheist Zaroastors were welcoming and friendly towards the first muslims to immigrate to Persia. Today in the Islamic democracy of Iran the Zaroastors are a hated, persecuted, discriminated against minority.

Turkey was a Christian country till the muslims invaded and forced everyone to convert to islam or die. To this day the Turks refuse to admit to the genocide they perpetrated against the Christian Armenians. Yet the labour party is hell bent on bringing the Turks into Europe and giving all ninety million of them the right to settle whereever they want.

David Milliband the British foreign minister says he wants to bring all the Muslim countries of the middle east and north Africa into Europe as well.

There is no sense of concern amongst the labour party as to what the consequences of making Islam the majority religion of Europe would be. Even though the historical record is quite clear.

Seems like a very long winded report just to defend the idea of the separation of church and state.

Seems like a very long winded report just to defend the idea of the separation of church and state.[/quote]

Here is a more succinct version.

100 They showed Jesus a gold coin and said to him, “The Roman emperor’s people demand taxes from us.”

He said to them, “Give the emperor what belongs to the emperor, give God what belongs to God, and give me what is mine.”