Chuck Palahniuk/Fight Club Fans

For those who like to read, here is an interesting essay: essays/massiveattack.htm

Note from Mod: Remove space in link when pasting.

My students have been testing for the last two days. Solid silence. I read Fight Club Tuesday and Choke yesterday. Palahniuk is hilarious. I’m going to go buy Survivor tonight.

Yeah, that was a great article! There’s something about being completely reckless that I find amusing (of course, Only if it doesnt hurt me in any way :wink: lol ).

Try that link for a list of Palahniuk nonfiction articles. Good stuff.

Oh, and don’t tell anyone I told you this, because it may not work out, but there’s this one magazine most readers of this forum will be familiar with that’s pursuing an interview with Palahniuk. He’s been sent a paper issue of T-…um, the previously mentioned magazine and according to his agent will be getting back to the assistant editor soon.

Great skills, and I suppose you’ll just force yourself to be the one doing the interview.

Palaniuk is awesome. I saw him speak here in Seattle. His books are generally very easy reads, if you liked “Fight Club” you will definitely like “Survivor”. Can’t wait for the interview.

I had a hard time getting into Choke. I hope Survivor is easier.

Doug, Choke had a lame, confusing first chapter, but the rest is great. Chris, if you guys get an interview with Palahniuk, I’ll shit myself with joy! (Now that’s happy.)