Chinese thieves - Please read

I thought that was pretty funny. :slight_smile:

Sonny S, you don’t know nearly enough about China, so the capitalistic exploitation to you may seem like an irony. Again, before you make a conclusion, get acquainted with facts first. I won’t say too much this time, but living under democracy for your whole life might have made you not so familiar with the other side of the world. Americans have much, much more freedom on choosing their leader and making their policies, but do the Chinese? It might seem exploitation to you, but to a Chinese worker, it is golden opportunity and even chance of survival. If you are not happy with that, be smarter next time when you choose your president.

Bluey, I don’t send money back there because I don’t have an income (college student). Some people do for a variety of reasons, but nobody gives any money to the government. It is a false assumption that the Chinese communist government own half of a citizen’s life; in fact, China has a very low personal income tax, and for most individuals, the tax law is hardly enforced. Just for clarification, China is lead by a communist party, but economically, it is no longer a communist country; actually, not even socialist, that why I said capitalistic exploitation is no longer ironic upstairs. Capitalism has been experimented, succeeded, spreaded, and to the point now praised. I could start a book on this subject so I’ll write no more, but do realize, the Chinese are much closer to Americans than a lot think they are. There are plenty of resources online if you are really interested, and they’re not hard to find.

p.s. I’m sure you meant friendly, but Chinaman is a strong word in some places, and people might get offended:)

“chinaman” ???

Is this 1904?

The fear of a “Yellow Menace” seems to have a 50 year cycle. 100 years ago it was Chinese laborers stealing railroad jobs from whitey out West, now its old white men at Wal-Mart bringing back that 'ol profiteering spirit again (yeah yeah many Chinese making out as well- big wage disparity in China too)

With regard to the upcoming election, FYI:

John Kerry gets his fortune from the Heinz Company which has 57 factories (yes, just like “57 varieties”!) ABROAD
and 22 domestic. It’s what Kerry might call a “Benedict Arnold Company.”

Sorry what is the correct noun fopr a person from China?

Person from Ireland, Irishman.

Person from England, Englishman.


No offence meant.

Does the Chinese government still own all land in China? Just lease it out on 100 year leases?

Brian, just out of curiosity: how many of those overseas factories are located near the source of the produce they prepare? Would it make more sense for them to ship perishable fruits and vegitables to the US and then can them? Would it also make sense to then ship those bottles/cans back overseas to foreign consumers?

For you, politically, the answer to those questions I guess is a YES. From a business point of view it seems to me that the company has the same responsiblity to shareholders as any other: profits.

Do you have anything other than lies and inuendo regarding Kerry? Or is this all you’ve been able to pick up from Rush so far?

bluey, I can’t believe you’re back to hawking the gold standard again.

If you guys are tempted to believe him, don’t, he’s misinformed. End of story.


You are probably right.

But Alan Greenspan was much older than I am now and he was still hawking the gold standard.

Gold and Economic Freedom by Alan Greenspan

Maybe I will change my way too.

If you would indulge me how would you choose to settle America?s external account with China? The current dollar standard, a true floating exchange rate system, monetary union or something else?

It is very difficult to work on another OS other than WIndows- which they copied from Apple to begin with.

And Apple got it from Xerox. So we can all thank the guys in Palo Alto (Xerox).

Bluey, that is still one problem with China. China has recognized the private ownership of everthing except land (well, maybe illegal substance, too), which is against the foundamental concept of ownership of the western world. However, the difference is, if you “buy” a piece of land (like a house), that land probably “belongs” to you forever (although the state still has the owndership, you have the inheritable right to use the land). But when you are “leased” a piece of land, like a homestead, that is a lease of 50 years, during which you have to pay a tax or certain amount (won’t be too much) of harvest to the government, and the lease is easily renewable and inheritable. So yes, theoretically, government owns 100% of the land. But practically, you see the idea.

by the way, just for fun, two years ago or so United States changed the name of one of its mountains from “Mt. Chinaman” to “Mt. Chinese” because of the offensiveness. I guess the right form for a Chinese person is a Chinese.

Or Chinaman’s Peak, got the name wrong, now Chinese Peak. Here’s the picture.

And, Sonny S, I do sense your very admirable patriotism, and I can never argue with that. But do realize that the principle of capitalism has so little to do with patriotism. Capitalists are pigs, and this is not a communist propaganda. They want to get as much money as possible as soon as possible regardless of methods of achieving so, it might sound evil, but everybody’s desire to profit premises competition. And without competition, there would be no improvement. If more profit means giving jobs to foreigner instead of compatriots, then, to the capitalists, why not? In the early years of capitalism, people were exploited to the bone, from encirclement to living hell of a working environment, and so are child labor and monopolization and theft of technology and fraud and untruthful commercials, that’s why we need the government’s interference, making child-protection laws, maing anti-trust laws, making patent laws, making anti-fraud laws. Comparing to those, job emigration couldn’t be more minor, but if it really becomes evil and unhealthy in a long run, there will be more and more regulation from the government. Mr. Wolf does not export his jobs not solely because of patriotism; it is more likely that his business is secure in US and there’s no need of moving eastwards, and after all, patriotism is a selling point too.

My point is, Sonny S, don’t confuse patriotism with business (and heck, politics, too), or you would feel angry all the time. The nature of capitalism is without moral or evil, competition is its outcome, and to make it healthy for us, regulation is the key, but that would always be a slow and painful yet the only way to go.

By the way, I’m not indifferent about American workers, but for an individual who gets laid off, the best way to change that is to improve himself, get trained, and get a new job. This is still a man-eat-man world, you have to climb up as high as possible in the social food chain. Sitting around is not an American style not spirit of hard-working; the government ought to do something when Americans lose their jobs, but nobody should WAIT for the government to take care of them.

I don’t listen to Rush. I do listen to Kerry. And I got the story off the Kerry for President Bulletin board, from his supporters.

I don’t know any extenuating information about the distribution of materials for Heinz’s 57 varieties, but I am aware that plenty of counties ship raw materials here for us to produce goods, and we are well stocked for agricultural materials that will go into food. If you would like to draw my attention to an article that defends Kerry on this point, please do.

Not “lies and innuendo” (from you, this comment is a laugh) but information we could hardly expect from Kerry’s passionate villification of “Benedict Arnold companies.” Same with Teresa Heinz’s comments about Walmart, when she is invested in it.

Theres a reason the government is not doing anything about it, even though they were willing to bomb a couple of countries for two men. And the reason is simply its not a issue, spying, copying, cheating, bullying, etc is what every country in a position to do so does, usa did and still does it too so no need to point your fingers when they too are covered in blood.

“they were willing to bomb a couple of countries for two men”

Beautiful understanding of the threat of terrorism.

Brian, I am shocked and hurt by your statement. Everything I’ve ever stated on here regarding politics is 100% factual and accurate.

  1. GWB is a pathological liar and complete fucking idiot.

  2. Dickhead Cheney is quite possibly one of the biggest assholes alive today.

  3. John Asscroft is a fucking Nazi and takes it up the ass from Rummy, Rove and others on a regular basis.

Please, prove that any of the above is a lie.

nice one tme :slight_smile:

I doubt anyone here can confirm or deny.

Bluey you must be an australiaman then!