Chicken Legs FTW

Good news on the school funding. Almost makes dinner with your daughter’s boyfriend’s parents tolerable.

CL- 26 down 4 to go ( end of the month)

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Dave- Almost…! the Dad is very talkative and Mom was more reserved. I like the Mom…

Sunday Funday

CGBP 3x205, 2x225, 2x235, 1x245, 1x250, 6x3x205 ( alternating sets between Touch and go and paused)
French press 3x8x75
Weighted chins 5,4,4,3,3 xBw+25 last set my bicep started to ache so I called no joy…
hammer curls 3x8x35s
dips 2x10xbw
push-ups 25,20, 15,15, 15, 10 (26 down 4 to go )
facepulls light just for blood flow and a stretch…

time to move up n CGBP


Push ups 4x25 27 down 3 to go! Thank God

I also noticed in my post above that the 6x3x205 is wrong it was 6x3x220…and all the sets up to that were paused… the 250 paused CG is closing in on PR territory.


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Zercher Squat 5x175, 4x205, 2x3x235, 3x245, 1x255
Anderson 5x135, 165, 185, 4x205
walking DB lunge 4x8sidex35s
seated ham 3x12


Had to look up the Anderson squat. Had a mental picture of you outside standing in a hole to squat.

If I was, Harry it would be with shorts on over my sweats! I graduated in 1978 and it was still going on!

With all your pushups/weighted chins, I bet you’d do great with hand stand pushups w/feet against a wall.

oh great, now you put that idea in my head…and I thought we were friends…

Easily you’re in shape to do those.

After awhile, for some variety try clapping your hands at top of movement. “Convict Conditioning 2” on Amazon has photo of that.

ya know, I have a pretty face and it would be a shame to ruin it clapping…I think I would try one arm pull ups first…I heard chicks dig them…

Push-ups 5x20

28 down 2 to go

I really hope I don’t find my pictures in the mesh top. Those were hot.

showing the midriff of course!

Rise 0352…great time of day but not for this

Incline T mill 20 min
Stat Bike 2 min warm up, 10 min intervals ( 20 sec sprint, @120rpm+, 40sec cruise at 90-95rpm) 3 min cruise=15 min

push ups 4x25 29 down 1 to go
suitcase carries 3x80pacesx52lb KB


I always wanted to do one arm pullups. I could almost do them using that towel method where one hand’s on bar and other holds onto towel draped over bar, then moving the towel hand lower for each day of pullups. Those are tough to do.

There must be a way to progress to the one arm version…Maybe I’ll start that quest in July…after the 4th…and a few dry out days!

The towel method is the only way I’ve ever seen produce results. Navy got in way of my efforts.

You’ve got these in you. No giving up.

So I can do pushups. I wanted to join the Marines but my Coast Guard father talked me out of it.