Chicken Legs FTW

Thanks for explaining difference between deloading and unloading. 100 a day is a good goal for any age.

Biker- I trust your move went well… Thanks for stopping by

10 x 10 pushups yesterday…

25 college kids in my house last night to watch the NBA Finals… I hate them all… they have fun… it was some of my daughters teammates ( super nice ) and the local hoods from her HS days…mostly guys I coached in lacrosse ( amazingly respectful)…don’t say anything ( especially to my wife) but I actually enjoyed myself…

Friggin tired

10, 20, 10 ,20 , 10 , 20, 10

Push ups…

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Sounds like a potentially good evening. Glad you didn’t get yourself in trouble.

How are the push-ups feeling?

Skip, not bad, wrists are a tad sore, but I think that will pass in a few more days…

supersetted with

this was done EMOM


Just because I’m not too brite, EMOM?

bright you are Young Jedi… Every Minute on the Minute…

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15, 15, 15, 10, 15, 10, 10, 10 push ups

3 hours of using a pole saw… I need a flamethrower!


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Power saw or manual? Either way= no fun!

CL- manual…

push-ups 2x20, 4x15


Getting tired of push-ups yet?

Nope… its just 30 days of grind… so there is an end game that I can focus on…unlike work!

Zercher 5x175, 5x205, 4x225, 2x245
leg press 10x3pps, 10x4pps, 2x6x5pps
walking DB lunges 5x6persidex30s

more push-ups later, Skip!

Push-ups 20, 20,10, 20, 15, 20 =105 paying it forward or miss counting you decide!

this weekend I think I’ll start feathering in some bands and then EMOM stuff with pull a parts…damn it, I can never leave well enough alone…


Looking good Paul. Gonna start calling you the push-up king.

Steve- Thanks man, trying to keep myself amused.

When boring gets up early it looks like this:

15 min T Mill
15 min Stat Bike
Back ext 3x12xBW
Pallof Press 3x3sidex40 with 10 sec hold
Push ups 6x15, 1x10


You know, I think all the push-ups you are doing is wearing me out. No other explanation for today.

Hahaha…oh good I can stop now!

The carcass of deep tissue work

DB BP 10x70s, 10x75s, 2x6x80s
DB row 3x10x70
DB MP 3x10x45s
motorcycle row 3x10x45
pec deck 3x12x75
front plate hold 3x5secx25

nice to work up to 80’s on BP…miles to go but nice to see movement even if its over ground that was previously covered.


push-ups 25, 20, 15, 15, 15, 10

after this AM pressing…a little creaky cranky in the first set…

I just can’t imagine why!