Changes to Massive Eating..

Good point. maybe i’ll give it a whirl one of these days.

Eric, for once i would have to disagree.
I would go for the higher GI alternative in K-dogs case. think about it, 200g of carbs from oats?!?! fuk the poor bastard would explode. I know its generally frowned upon, but i would tend to favour the higher GI carbs just so he could get enough kcals in and, yes insulin will be high but he is bulikng and apparently staying lean, so why not?

Hey, Kurt… call it morbid curiousity, but would you mind posting a typical daily menu?

I want to see what 8000 calories looks like. :slight_smile:

You’re eating entirely way too much fruit and drinking orange juice is not very smart either if you’re after a good body composition and being massive. It’s much easier to get 200g of carbs eating yams, potatoes, beans, brown rice, wheat pasta, oats, etc. Plus, these are far better sources and will pack solid weight on fast. If you like fruit, eat only 2-3 pieces/day and cut out the juice.