Catching a Power Snatch

And some hang snatches from just above the knee. There’s still a little ‘starfishing’ where my legs go wide, but i did make an effort to pull more explosively and higher so I think I did it less than last time.

I also made more of a conscious effort to really drive my feet through the ground during triple extension but I’m not sure how well that actually worked out.

Rather than up volume or weight, I’ll work on catching higher and higher so I don’t splay my legs so much. Does that sound like a reasonable progression model for these types of lifts?

Snatches 1-28-21 - YouTube

I thought this looked really good. No starfishing. However, I do jump backwards a little bit. There were some other sets where the bar got in front of me and I had to take a step forward. I’m thinking once I get every set to look like the one above, I can then up the volume, increase weight, or decrease rest periods. What do y’all think?

less star fishing, it looked a lot cleaner. you are improving!

bar path for snatch is so important. an amateur or non competitive athlete ( what ever the f*ck you want to call ppl these days) typically put to much weight on the bar before they are ready - which actually sets them back.

I often do HUGE sets of movements with bar only. if your doing it with the bar only, and doing it correctly. you’ll be wrecked after the workout.

OMG, you can’t get away with nearly as much with a power snatch vs a power clean. It’s a little frustrating, but it does feel rewarding doing something technical and skilled and knowing that in time with more practice I’ll be able to yank big weights over my head.