Carb count while eating massive

I’m just wondering if you guys/gals concern yourself at all with carb intake while eating massive? If you do, in general how many grams of carbs per pound of body weight do you intake?

I ask this because some articles suggest 1.4g carb : 1 g protein, (for me that would be around 350g carbs/d)…other calculations lead me to upwards of 400-500g/d.


It really depends on your insulins sensitivity. Depending on how far you want to take this(all a matter of precision) he details it in the part II of the massive eating article.

“In my experience, individuals who have high insulin sensitivity maximize their muscle to fat ratio on diets that are high in carbs and lower in fat (50% carbs, 35% protein, 15% fat). Those with moderate insulin sensitivity tend to do best on diets that are more isocaloric (30% carbs, 40% protein, 30% fat). And those with poor insulin sensitivity do best on diets that are low in carbs (50% protein, 35% fat, 15% carbs).” -JB

He then goes on with how to determine your insulin sensitivty, which is detailed in the article, either you can do it yourself or get it done by your doc.

Once you have it figured out, you would basically go backwards from what percentage of calories you would need from carbs to get grams per pound.

hope this helps,

Thanks Sean,
I did that calculation a while ago, but I guess I didn’t read the insulin sensitivity section properly. Much appreciated.

ND…Sean hit on one of the most critical aspects of carbohydrate consumption (i.e. insulin sensitivity).

Yes, I do feel that you should always be tracking your carbohydrate consumption, as well as protein, fat and total kcals.

That being said, knowing how much and when to eat carbohydrate is a function of understanding the body’s physiology. If you understand what types of activities demand and prefer the body’s stores of carbohydrate (i.e. muscle glycogen) and you understand what times of the day your body is most efficiently able to utilize and store carbohydrate, then you can properly assess how much and when you need to eat them.

If you’ve ready Dr. Lowery’s articles–particularly Temporal Nutrition–then you realize that, in the absence of training, first thing in the morning, following an overnight fast, the body is in an elevated state of insulin sensitivity. I have continually alluded to the fact that I feel that during and immediately after training are the most prime times to consume carbohydrate.

The rest of the day and evening–unless you work intense manual labor or play intense sports all day long–your body’s energy requirements will be most efficiently met by oxidation of fats. Therefore, I feel you should eat accordingly.