Capoten (captopril) by Squibb as fat loss drug.

What is your guys’ opinion on using the above for fat loss. Dan D. said in his Dirty Dieting newsletter, that Captopril could be used for this. He stated that you start out at 25mg at night, since it makes you sleepy. You work up to 50-100mg. Dan said it actually destroys the fat cells. But it takes about 3 months to show.

The documentation on this idea, which was not Dan’s but rather this individual going by the name of Dharkham, has been totally lacking. The author has been repeatedly asked to provide the first reference for his claims that the literature reports these effects and he has always refused. No one has been able to find it themselves and I know several who have looked hard.

Nor have I heard of anyone having success with this method and I know a few who have tried.

Captopril is a poor choice of drug even for those needing the antiypertensive effect -- Enalapril is a better drug of the same class (ACE inhibitors.) For those needing the intended effect, if their doctors prescribe it for their blood pressure, all well and good. I wouldn't expect any amazing fat loss results though. If you don't have high blood pressure I would not consider it at all.

Thanks Bill, I respect your opinions. While I have your attention. If I do a cycle of Sustenon 750mg on day one and only add 100mg a day of reforvit-b for days 1-14, without using an additional drug, what could I expect as far as gains and side-effects. I would use clomid 300mg day one and 50mg days 2-24, tribex days 15-36, week off, then back on cycle.

I’d expect 5-10 lb more LBM than what you have gained in the same time, on the same nutrition and training, without the drugs, assuming you are getting plenty of protein and say 20 cal/lb/day

I’d expect 5-10 lb more LBM than what you would have gained in the same time, on the same nutrition and training, without the drugs, assuming you are getting plenty of protein and say 20 cal/lb/day