Can't Lift The Can

You can always use the tabata method. Normally it’s reserved for more compound movements, but I’m sure it would work for arms too.

Curl as many times as possible for 20 seconds. Pick a weight that’s easy for you.

Rest for 10 seconds.

Repeat last 2 steps 7 more times with same weight.

Add Abercrombie and Fitch cut-off tee and baby blue yankees hat turned backwards for maximum effect.

Use a 4,4,4 t.u.t.

Combine it with drop sets.

Interestingly, I was at the gym a few weeks ago and then straight after went to my trampolining class. Afterwards, I bent my arms and both of my biceps cramped up and i was stuck! Luckily my triceps were there to get me out of the sticky situation, but the “guns” kept trying to lock up every time my arm went to 90?, which made my life… difficult for the next hour or so.

Ok, I’ll bite.

2x15 chin ups (use a weight belt if you have to)

2x5 Dumbell row

2x8 Hammer Curl

Tabata Seated Cable Curl ( Curl as many reps as possible for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds, repeat 7 more times).